Ruger American Predator 22-250 1 in 10 what weight bullet?


Nov 1, 2010
I just traded a couple of 223 rifles that had sat in the back of the safe for to long on a pair of Ruger American Predator rifles in 22-250. I haven't prairie dog hunted in years which is what the 223's mainly were used for. I do most of the haying now on the ranch and just can't get away that time of year. If I'm not shooting the AR for coyotes I prefer more thump than the 223 offers. I figured these 22-250's would be good truck guns for around the ranch.

I looked up the twist on them and Ruger shows it to be 1 in 10. I know it's not enough for the really heavy bullets, but I was thinking of trying the 69gr tipped matchking in these rifles to see if either likes it. I think a .375 BC and 3200fps would be a wicked combo for coyotes. The Berger book I have shows data from 3250fps to 3314fps with a 26" barrel and a 70gr bullet. I might not quite get 3200fps from the 22" barrel but I should get decent speed. Berger also shows needing a 1 in 9 twist for the 70gr bullet.

I'll honestly be happy shooting standard bullets if the heavier options don't work. I read a lot of reviews of the 65gr Sierra Gameking being a top performer in 1 in 12 barrels even. I have some of them on the loading shelf already. The 50gr Superformance factory loads have worked very well for me in the past to on coyotes.

Anyone have any idea if the 1 in 10 will work well with the 69gr bullet or at least be worth a try? Thanks for the help.
I shot the 69gr Nosler Custom Competitions in my Savage Predator .223 which is a 9 twist. It would not stabilize the 75gr Amax. I bet your 10 twist would work for the 69 at 22/250 velocity. It might be marginal at really long range but I bet you’re golden to 400. Hope you’re able to try it and report back.
Best of luck!
Midway also shows a 60 grain tipped Matchking with a .323 BC that looks promising. I didn't even see that on Sierra's website so maybe it's a Midway exclusive. It has good reviews and says it's overdue on being back in stock. I will have to try it too if I get a chance.
Ruger got it right by going with a 1:10 twist instead of the 1:14 twist. I'm not staying if the 69 gr TMK will stabilize but you shouldn't have a problem with the 60 gr BT and similar type bullets. I used to have a M700 VLS 22-250 and I was able to get the 60 gr PT to shoot decent in the 1:14 twist. I shot a coyote stem ty stern, exit was under the tail and about the size of a dime. The coyote was DRT.
Might be yet another bullet option for you.

My nephew has the same rifle, and I had no problems getting the 69 TMK to shoot very well for him with IMR 4350. It also shot great in my 223 with 1:7.7 twist.. When I first started working with his, that 22" barrel had a lot of muzzle flash. Changing powder and tweaking the load a little and it's not as bad now. A lot of 22-250 talk lately, I'm really starting to miss mine now.
I had a void too when I sold mine but I don't miss it now that I have the 22 Nosler. :)

Thanks everyone. I ordered a box of each from Midway. I'll let you know how they do when I get the rifles and bullets in.

A 22 Nosler upper for my good AR lower will be my next addition. I've been wanting one for a while and seeing the 70gr AccuBond as well as these tipped Matchking bullets has me wanting one worse. I think that will become my calling rifle for all the bigger country where I don't expect bobcats once I get one. I'm trying to be patient and get exactly what I want, plus save enough to put a Burris Eliminator III 3-12x scope on it. I think having the rangefinder and 10mph wind numbers built right into the scope will improve my precision without sacrificing much speed on these smarter late season coyotes that hang up.
Cant comment on the 1/10 twist but Rugers new offering this year of a 1/8 twist will shoot incredibly
Well with the 75gr bullets and very nicely with the new Nosler 85gr CC bullets........ Its a real winner.
Amazing little guns those Ruger Americans.
I got the box of 69 grain tipped matchkings in today. The box says 1 in 10 or faster so we will see once the rifles arrive. I also have an AR upper in 5.56 with a 1 in 7 Colt H bar barrel that has proven really accurate with 60 grain V max Black Hills loads, I might have to give them a shot in there too. If they shoot great I might skip the 22 Nosler and put a rangefinding scope on that upper. We will see.
Those 69 grain TMK's might be pretty deadly.. They usually fly really well to!