Rust Removal


Aug 20, 2011
What's the best and safest way to remove rust from a rifle and prevent it from happening again?

Working on a friends Winchester M1917 and it has some slight rust spots on it.


Surface rust? Pits? Surface rust can often be removed with some G96 and a soft cloth. It takes a bit, but it works quite well.
Flitz will certainly work, though I've only used G96 when such has been encountered. Rubbing with a soft cloth and G96 has removed all the surface rust I've encountered.
If you can find it, Hoppe's makes a "lead and rust remover cloth." I have one, and it is great. Be careful, though, as it will remove bluing if you scrub too hard. I was able to remove surface rust from the ram of a used press a friend picked up at a garage sale by simply wiping it down firmly with this cloth. Here's what I'm talking about: ... B0000C53AJ
Blue Wonder gun cleaner with 000 steel wool does a good job. Used with care it won't take off the bluing.
I have been using G-96 for a number of years to get light rust off of rifles and have real good success.

These guys have it right. Use Barrier rust protector (Birchwood Casey) on the metal with a shaving brush after rust removal.

My son had a creek flood, flipped my safe on its back and left the Golden Dryer Rod unplugged for a month. He rusted every gun in the safe, including a high grade EELL, $5000 Beretta shotgun plus 3 other Beretta O/U's, in soggy mountainous, rainforest Washington. Fortunately, it was just superficial rust bloom because I got the rod plugged back in before it ate everything inside. Oil and 0000 steel wool saved it.
As far as preventing rust, RIG grease is hard to beat for long term storage. Keep your guns in a dry or climate controlled place (i.e. not down in the damp basement), use a dehumidifier device in your gunsafe if required and check your firearms for rust periodically to catch things before things get bad.
I was thinking about this too, just picked up a pawn shop special West German Walther PPK/S 32 acp with a few small rust spots. Will post before and after pics.