Sask Boy's 280 AI


Nov 8, 2006
The load is 150 ABLRs over top of 60.5grs. of RL-22 using Fed-210m primers & Nosler brass. I increased the OAL to 3.340". Here is the target:

Yeah, that'll do. (y)
Looking good , now all you need is to shoot a nice deer or other game animal and have meat in the freezer.
Thanks fellas, I am trying to get in the reloading mode instead of just admiring all the components that I have accumulated over the last while.
I have some 223 ready to go as well but I am trying to figure out a different bullet as the Nosler 50gr. BTs were super accurate but my nephew advised that they were basically cutting the coyotes in half :eek:. The fur people are advising that the dog prices are going to be around $100.00 per animal this season so it might be worth keeping them.
Whitetail is coming up on the 20th of November as is late Moose, I am ready to go now as I have a 100 loaded in 280AI, they are all polished up :wink:.
Will be back in the Man cave tonight starting a new load for the 7mm mag, will be asking for help on a new thread (y).

Nice shooting.
Makes me think with Dr Mike's success in his 280 and this group if maybe the 150 ABLR isn't the perfect bullet for the 280 AI?
Nice shooting Dan! That load sounds familiar. ;)

Dan, great group!

I wish that the 150 ABLR had grouped like that in my 280! (instead of the 3" groups I was getting). I'm thinking my rifle just prefers the 140 gr AB at 1/2 MOA.
And there is absolutely nothing wrong with a 140 AB yielding 0.5 MOA. You know very well that I took quite a few deer with my older .280 loaded with 139/140 grain bullets. It would have worked well for moose as well.
DrMike, you are right about the 140gr. AB, it is a great bullet. You have always told us that Gil has had a great deal of success hunting & shooting once he started listening to you :lol:.
