

Apr 7, 2019
I stopped by a local dealer yesterday and was lucky enough to pick up the last brick of Winchester LRM primers they had in stock. With the Mil/LEO discount I got them for $72 after tax.

I’d like to come across a couple more bricks to bump up my numbers, but that gives me 3600 LRM primers now. The last couple years have really put a dent in my magnum primer stash.
The place has always been busy when I’ve stopped in. Their price as shown on the shelf was $90. Minus 20% took it to $72. They have the best price going right now from what I’ve found. I’ve bought a lot of supplies and a couple rifles from them.
I was excited to have gone in when they had some in stock. I was lucky. They go pretty fast when they get them.
Outstand buy. That's almost what they were ~3 years ago. As much as we hate the idea of today's prices the commodities to make brass (zine and copper) have double in that time and it is hard to think that they would return to those levels anytime soon. There will always be ups and downs in the market, generally speaking, but think that the average price we are paying now for reloading components are here to stay. I certainly hope that the price @Joec7651 has paid for his primers is not a black Swann event but I pessimistically think it could. I'd buy what I could afford to at that price. Well done, Sir.
Good job. (y) The last ones I bought last yr were the highest I paid at $64 and I happily bought them at that so you're only $8 more. I'd of been buying to at that price in your shoes.

You gotta take the opportunities when they come nowdays if you need it or are gonna. I bought both magnum and standard primers every chance I got and I don't load for magnums but knew I could use them just fine, and far better to modify loads if needed then be without.

On a typical yr I shoot 1000-1500 rounds in LR. If every President including this one God forbid, serves a full 8 yr 2 terms. The 3rd President from now will be out of office before I have to buy primers again.

In the good Trump yrs I know people that were buying new cars & trucks, boats, motorcycles, campers. I was buying rifles and components. Not sorry for those decisions. Quite happy about it actually. (y)
Good job. (y) The last ones I bought last yr were the highest I paid at $64 and I happily bought them at that so you're only $8 more. I'd of been buying to at that price in your shoes.

You gotta take the opportunities when they come nowdays if you need it or are gonna. I bought both magnum and standard primers every chance I got and I don't load for magnums but knew I could use them just fine, and far better to modify loads if needed then be without.

On a typical yr I shoot 1000-1500 rounds in LR. If every President including this one God forbid, serves a full 8 yr 2 terms. The 3rd President from now will be out of office before I have to buy primers again.

In the good Trump yrs I know people that were buying new cars & trucks, boats, motorcycles, campers. I was buying rifles and components. Not sorry for those decisions. Quite happy about it actually. (y)
I’ll take a good buy whenever I can. That is the price this particular shop charges, and it has been steady for some time. Which I suspect is why they sell out so quickly. I’ve just never got there in time to snag any of them until now.

And no payments to deal with now. What I have is mine, no CC debt or nothing.

If I had to buy my stock of components and rifles now I'd be screwed. Not only high prices, but my spending cash in this economy is severely curtailed, at least for the moment. I get a little grouchy at times because of the crap all of us are dealing with under this administration and the added expenses are completely avoidable. But I'm a far cry from desperate in these times and wont likely be no matter what.

Owe no man nothing as the Bible instructs me to do, pays very well. I'm not always the brightest bulb, but I can follow instructions from somebody that knows way more than I do.
I’ll take a good buy whenever I can. That is the price this particular shop charges, and it has been steady for some time. Which I suspect is why they sell out so quickly. I’ve just never got there in time to snag any of them until now.
Honestly they'd be gone if sold for $100+ per thousand.
Primers don't last long on any shelf at any price.
They just go quick no matter because availability is the big suck
I stopped by a local dealer yesterday and was lucky enough to pick up the last brick of Winchester LRM primers they had in stock. With the Mil/LEO discount I got them for $72 after tax.

I’d like to come across a couple more bricks to bump up my numbers, but that gives me 3600 LRM primers now. The last couple years have really put a dent in my magnum primer stash.
Play powerball!
I'm like most of you and try to pick up components as they dribble into the market. There are somethings I still can't find but am keeping my eyes open. It seems that most things dribbling out are only in stock less than 48 hrs., some powders are there longer.
I'm like most of you and try to pick up components as they dribble into the market. There are somethings I still can't find but am keeping my eyes open. It seems that most things dribbling out are only in stock less than 48 hrs., some powders are there longer.

I haven't been paying a lot of attention to some things because honestly I know most things are priced more than I'd want to pay right now. But yeah, regardless of what it is, get what you can as it comes in if you can, until you have enough that you don't have to worry about it for a long time.

I think it was July or so last yr that a LGS called me and wanted to know if I wanted a brick of primers for $64.........the ones there before I had paid $57 for I believe, and thought I was done, but I said sure. They'd call me every couple weeks and offer some more bricks at that price. Ended up getting 5 bricks out of that last run and at the time felt a little foolish buying them at that price as I already had primers, but I don't feel foolish now! Those added to what I had has me set now for a very long time. Different times we are in and who knows if or when it will return to somewhat normal.
That's a good relationship you have with you LGS. I really can't see us here in Australia paying less than $150 in the future. Prices seem to float between $175 and 200 if you can get them at all at the moment. The last time I bought them for under $100 was when the components used for brass (copper and zinc) were half the price they are today. Right now, anything under $150 is a solid buy down here.
That's a good relationship you have with you LGS. I really can't see us here in Australia paying less than $150 in the future. Prices seem to float between $175 and 200 if you can get them at all at the moment. The last time I bought them for under $100 was when the components used for brass (copper and zinc) were half the price they are today. Right now, anything under $150 is a solid buy down here.

Wow. That sounds bad looking at it but it really isn't far off from what a lot of places are getting when it's compared to USD. If google foo is telling me correctly $150 AUD would be $100 USD. It's crazy these kinds of prices are discussed regularly and are becoming the new norm.
Ended up getting 5 bricks out of that last run and at the time felt a little foolish buying them at that price as I already had primers, but I don't feel foolish now!
5 more bricks is nothing to feel foolish over. People paying GB prices for one brick should feel foolish.
my old buddy called me yesterday . he was at a local gun show over the weekend . a vender there had large rifle primers priced at $200 per 500 . he said he told the vender , good luck .
5 more bricks is nothing to feel foolish over. People paying GB prices for one brick should feel foolish.

I don't now I can tell you that. In the past I typically just kept around 1000-1500 primers on hand because when I got down to around 500 or so I'd just go pick up another brick at the shop of my choosing at the same price I got them at before. No big deal, need more? Just go get them.

That's obviously not the case anymore. Soon as I seen things getting tight I went on a mission rounding up primers to give myself a cushion. Paid in the mid $40's for a lot of bricks, mid $50's for some, and mid $60's for these last ones.

Started out this new year with well over 4 cases of LR primers including both standard and magnum. That will let me sit on the sidelines for a long time regardless of what is going on with price and availability.