single shot

Europe":2nxa2eh8 said:
maverick2":2nxa2eh8 said:
Whether it's the Ruger or the Dakota, all I know is that I've made it my New Year's resolution to find a way to get on Jamila's Christmas present list... :grin:

Vince, of course your right and I am sure maverick2 would also agree with you------But, I love the above post, it made me laugh and in the manner it is intended------

maverick2, --me too, LOL

You are correct -- my post was in fun, and meant as a compliment to Jamila.
Over time I've had four Number One rifles:

.25-06 Varminter - with the heavier barrel - the most accurate factory rifle I've ever owned. Would print three 100 gr Sierra soft-points into .3" groups @ 100 yards.

7mm Rem mag - Number 1B - standard, 26" barrel, beautiful figured walnut stock... About 1.5" groups at 100 yards, but consistent.

.300 Win mag - Number 1S - the "medium sporter" I think it's called - gun had been hunted hard - and was finicky about accuracy until I tried a box of 180 grain Remington factory ammo... Which it clustered into nice 3/4" three-shot groups at 100 yards! Okay, I took a hint and tailored my handloads for it, to be similar to that factory load and achieved similar results...

.375 H&H - my introduction to the wonderful old cartridge! Found this great rifle at a great price here in town. It has been to Africa and back with John Barsness and is featured in several of his magazine articles. I've used it on black bear with great satisfaction. It too is rather accurate, putting three of those nice 260 gr Nosler Accubonds into 3/4" groups at 100 yards, pretty consistently. I've no qualms with taking a 300+ yard shot at game with this rifle.

For various reasons I sold three of the four... Keeping only the .375 H&H. Time to time I wish I'd hung onto all of them. Would make a nice hunting battery of simple, rugged, short, good-handling, hunting rifles...

Prices on good used Number One rifles seem to have soared over the past 5 years or so.

Regards, Guy
I want to thank everyone for their kind responses and for the information sent my way..


Dr Mike and April, suggested the Martin rifle
257 ackley suggested the Luxus rifle

based upon their suggestions---"I" want to be on my christmas list LOL

Sean, without a doubt being on mom's christmas list is better than being on mine LOL

Happy New Year

Africa Huntress":37pj9sun said:
I want to thank everyone for their kind responses and for the information sent my way..


Dr Mike and April, suggested the Martin rifle
257 ackley suggested the Luxus rifle

based upon their suggestions---"I" want to be on my christmas list LOL

Sean, without a doubt being on mom's christmas list is better than being on mine LOL

Happy New Year


LOL ! You have to admit that Joel, Dr Mike and April, have very good taste in rifles

Tell your mom that I have not forgotten that I owe her a scotch and I also remember she wants it with no ice as she does not like to dilute good scotch lol

Happy New Year

I also remember she wants it with no ice as she does not like to dilute good scotch[/quote]

WOW...who would even think about putting ice in good scotch??? Enjoying some 16 year old Lagavulin right now.

I also remember she wants it with no ice as she does not like to dilute good scotch[/quote]

WOW...who would even think about putting ice in good scotch??? Enjoying some 16 year old Lagavulin right now.[/quote]

Exactly !

BTW, those are nice rifles Joel and the three in one concept also appeals to me, which is why I have always been a Blaser fan. But this is another lever higher

Cleaning a Luxus while drinking Lagavulin----that works
Europe":3l1chgbs said:

BTW, those are nice rifles Joel and the three in one concept also appeals to me, which is why I have always been a Blaser fan. But this is another lever higher

Thank you...I lusted after a K-95 for years, but never had the right amount of money all together at one time to buy the rifle with the calibers I wanted. The Luxus was a little more affordable to begin with and I was able to negotiate a good price for the other barrels I ordered. The fact they use Shilen barrels didn't hurt the decision making. I have nice loads worked up for the 9.3X62 with the 286 grain Partition and the 250 grain A-frame. I found a great load for the 6.5X55 and the 140 grain A-frame. The 6BR barrel hasn't been fired yet, but hope to start on it when I get back from Florida this spring.

With the QR Talley mounts that are made for their quarter ribs, it is easy to swap out the scope from one barrel to the next and not have too much adjusting to do. I used it this fall for deer hunting with the 9.3 barrel on, but didn't see anything worth shooting, so it hasn't been bloodied yet.

Have a happy and healthy New Year!

that is seriously NICE. I am a huge fan of the 6.5 x 55 and although my preference is the 64, the 62 will serve one very well in North America. I do not bench shot so the 6 BR is foreign to me. Although the Swift bullets are not, as they are one of our families favorite. Thank you for the information.

Since it is my thread I assume it is o.k. for me to ask a separate question.

What three calibers would you choose if you ordered a rifle like Joel's from Luxus Arms ?

Happy New Year

Africa Huntress":20dqzj4d said:

that is seriously NICE. I am a huge fan of the 6.5 x 55 and although my preference is the 64, the 62 will serve one very well in North America. I do not bench shot so the 6 BR is foreign to me. Although the Swift bullets are not, as they are one of our families favorite. Thank you for the information.

Since it is my thread I assume it is o.k. for me to ask a separate question.

What three calibers would you choose if you ordered a rifle like Joel's from Luxus Arms ?

Happy New Year


If it were my picks I think it'd be a 6-06, 270 Win and a 35 Whelen / 9.3x62... I could think of a 100 other cool combos but those three would get it done well I'd think.
Since you're living in jolly ol' England and hunting the continent and Africa, I should imagine cartridges that are readily available would dictate choice of chamberings. Perhaps the 6.5X55, .30-06 Springfield and the 9.3X62 would be sensible. However, who would ever be content to be sensible? Throw caution to the wind and go wild! For me (since I don't have to worry about such dreams coming true in any case) it would be 6.5X68, 8X68S and 9.3X64. Yeah, if I'm ordering a custom rifle, then I want the chamberings I want.
Dr Mike,

I dont even know what the 6.5 x 68 and 8 x 68 are ? But I agree with the 6.5 x 55, 30-06 and 9.3 x 62, but might change the 9.3 x 62 to a 9.3 x 64.

Actually, you, Joel, April, and Jamila are talking about rifles that I can not even afford to look at, let alone buy.

Even though you folks are all a class or two, maybe three above my pay grade I wish you all a Happy New Years.
Let me assure, Cheyenne, I don't own a Lexus or a Ralf Martini rifle. I confess that I did buy brass from Mrs. Martini on one occasion and ordered some other brass for the LGS. I do own a few Winchesters (and a couple of Rugers and one or two Remingtons). I enjoy shooting fine firearms, but they all belong to someone else. Now, Scotty! That boy has an arsenal. And here in Canada, its Sask Boy (Dan) that has managed to acquire some fine firearms. Moi? Just your run-of-the-mill firearms.
There's nothing too fancy in my gun safe either, but I can appreciate fine guns from afar. The bad thing for me about this thread is that it's reviving a long-standing itch I've had for a nice single shot. I'd REALLY like to have one set up for varmint shooting, but haven't found one to work for me yet and don't think my wife buys into the NEED for one. (Oddly enough, she seems to have developed a bit of a "twitch" and acts a bit irrationally now whenever she sees me perusing any kind of rifle or scope related website. I'm not sure what that's about.)
maverick2":wxhgl321 said:
Oddly enough, she seems to have developed a bit of a "twitch" and acts a bit irrationally now whenever she sees me perusing any kind of rifle or scope related website. I'm not sure what that's about.

There's a lot of that going around. I try not to peruse such web sites in the sight of my bride. I really enjoy the peace and quiet that comes when I'm not compelled to answer questions concerning my acquisitions. :roll:
Come on guy's, Man up to it and show them who wears the skirt in the family :!: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Got a couple of bottles of Malbec per Guy's advice and the wife and are are sipping some. :lol:
Cheyene, I also like to look but can't afford the higher priced rifles and I don't knock anyone who can, more power to them. I do own Winchesters,a Browning pump shot gun, a Mossburg shot gun, a Ruger 77, a Custom built by me Muzzle loader when I was building them and a REMINGTON 700 & a 725. (y) I don't need to hide it like someone we know. :lol:
Attaboy TD. Malbec is good stuff IMO.
On single shots, I handled (and coveted :grin: )a Ruger No.1 in 450/400 at a local gunshop the other day. Cool rifle. Probably a little much for white tails but nonetheless a cool rifle.
Would you mind posting what they were asking for it? Not in the market, just checking the value on the one I have...
truck driver":1sv9tbl0 said:
I do own Winchesters,a Browning pump shot gun, a Mossburg shot gun, a Ruger 77, a Custom built by me Muzzle loader when I was building them and a REMINGTON 700 & a 725. (y) I don't need to hide it like someone we know. :lol:

Hey, I represent that! :wink: I don't deny owning a couple of Remingtons; I just don't spend a lot of time advertising it. :mrgreen:
Skimming through to see what Jamilia ended up with. Missed that information but did pick up that not only does Scotty not own an o6, he does not own a # 1. What the heck. This is really bugging me, I just might have to give him one next time he is in Oregon. Jeepers, a Marine without an o6, jeepers.