Spring Grizzly!

Yep, I hunted and fished over there many years ago. I've also hunted on the east side of that zone (3-46). I kept stumbling on grizzly one fall while fishing that area. I spent more time in 5-13 and 5-4, however. I loved the moose, goat and mule deer above the Taseko River. And I spent many hat summer days fishing the West Road River and the Nazko River. The Cariboo is some lovely country.
Snowed 2 inches yesterday and 3 inches today here ! - spring is delayed as usual ! :shock: :lol:

Cheers RJ :grin:
gerry":wpimn0de said:
Thanks guys, I was hoping a few more guys would have drawn a grizz tag, lucky for them they can still apply for fall 2012.

A few more guys have drawn tags and we're getting pumped. Three of us put in and all drew tags in a prime coastal zone right near gerry's area . . . we will have 3 out of the possible 8 tags in our boat! While I have fished in the area this will be my first time bear hunting. According to many it should be doable for all of us to fill our tags . . . but we shall see. I have the 260 grain accubonds ready for the 375 Ruger but I would prefer to develop a 300 grain load. One month today and we will be chasing bears. :)
BCbillies":1ww2c53v said:
gerry":1ww2c53v said:
Thanks guys, I was hoping a few more guys would have drawn a grizz tag, lucky for them they can still apply for fall 2012.

A few more guys have drawn tags and we're getting pumped. Three of us put in and all drew tags in a prime coastal zone right near gerry's area . . . we will have 3 out of the possible 8 tags in our boat! While I have fished in the area this will be my first time bear hunting. According to many it should be doable for all of us to fill our tags . . . but we shall see. I have the 260 grain accubonds ready for the 375 Ruger but I would prefer to develop a 300 grain load. One month today and we will be chasing bears. :)

You guys got a prime area wish I could be there with you guys as well but I'll be having fun not to far away :) you guys should see a lot of bears. The 260 gr AB works great too no worries if you don't have any time to reload, I have some extra bullets if you need some.
Congrats, BCbillies. That is good to hear. I'll have to pull for a fall tag, now.
Thanks Dr. Mike - The grizzlies in our zone have had a lot of years of very little hunting pressure . . . it would do the population well to take out some mature boars.

Gerry - We may have to work out a deal if you find a good load for the 300's! :)
My Buddy and i went out for the day to scout out some territiry in which he has a G-BEAR draw .
We came across a small 3 yr old boar -very beautiful blone and brown coat but hes still alive ! :) LOL
Later in the afternoon we came across a very nice big sow and her twin 2 year cubs ! All beauty bears ! :) Late in the day we saw a small brown black bear and then around 7 pm a beauty BUT small all gloss blackie ! So no blood yet ! It was a great day was gone for 16 hrs ! :grin:
Where the best area is for a BIG BOAR its too early ! 7-8 ft + :wink: too much snow yet ! No green for feed ! We will go back next week for 2 days and try but it might not be good out there till the end of the month ! We will see what the weather does ! Oh well ! Still a GREAT day out in the bush ! :grin:

Cheers RJ :grin:
Good report, Jim. We've still got quite a bit of snow at the higher elevations. However, we are seeing grizzlies at the lower elevations now. So, they are moving about.
Good luck on the Hunt! I'd like to see em open up grizzly season again in the lower 48 again?
Rem Jim went out again with his buddy but haven't heard anything yet, hopefully he didn't get eaten :p My other buddies went out and filled 2 out of 3 tags, the big bear squared 8' 5" haven't been able to go see it in person yet. It was looking like I wouldn't be able to get out at all this spring but things are looking better and I just bought my grizzly tag tonight so my wife and I will camp out this weekend in some grizzly country :)
Hey gerry, remember lots of photographs :wink:
Good luck my friend stay warm and have a great weekend :mrgreen:

I pulling for you to enjoy great success, Gerry. Enjoy! I'm looking for a blackie on Monday.
DrMike":2s2n5ni8 said:
I pulling for you to enjoy great success, Gerry. Enjoy! I'm looking for a blackie on Monday.

Good luck to you as well, I bought a blackie tag as well.

Thanks guys, I'll take a bunch of pictures regardless of what happens.
I did put in for fall grizzly. We'll see whether I'm successful or not. It wouldn't hurt my feelings to get the territory I've had twice before along the Sukunka and the Burnt.
Man what I would give to be there just to help spot and be camera boy. I'd give up body parts! :shock: I've been so busy at work that I never got out last weekend. I worked on Friday my day off and put in 11.5 hours and back to work Saturday morning for another 5.5 hours. Now they want me to work late Friday night on a special project. I guess the OT is nice but..............

Gerry now I've eaten from a couple of black bears and the meat was just wonderful. Are grizzly bears any good to eat? You folks aren't required to take the meat from them are you? With black bears here in Montana you have to take the meat out and I don't know why you wouldn't with them at least because it's so good. I've heard like with anything you can get one that's pretty bad though. I suppose that depends on what they have been eating though just like a lot of animals.

Good luck and shoot straight. Please take lots of pictures. You know our neighbors who are from Alberta are moving back to Canada after living in the U.S. for about 12 years now. I hate to see them go. They are going up to the Edmonton area, not quite sure what town. I'll ask here soon and let you guys know. It would be a great excuse to go see our friends and to enjoy the outdoors and link up with some of you guys.

Gerry I'd promise to leave the 6mm Remington at home and pack something with a bit larger bore!!

It is only six hours from Edmonton to Dawson Creek, and only another eight hours over to visit Gerry. :grin: Come on up; coffee's always on. We have to harvest the meat from black bears, but not from grizzly. Having said that, grizzly is not much different from black bear, perhaps tougher. It can make good sausage or ground, however.
It would be nice to have you on a hunt David, along with a lot of other guys on noslerreloading. As for the 6mm Remington, there was a guy who lived in our town I was told about that shot several grizzlies with a 243 Winchester, all one shot kills so it can be done :) We are legally required to take the meat from a black bear but not from a grizzly. Black bear meat can be quite good, the one I got last spring tasted great, the previous spring bear tasted weird but it is usually good, in the fall you run the chance getting a bear that was feasting on rotten salmon although some bears stay high and eat blueberries and are good to eat. I had fall grizzly once and don't care to try it again :) My wife and I have been very busy lately so the plan is to sit and watch some powerlines in the area and see something comes out, if I see a nice blackie I'll probably take him so my wife can see what shooting and butchering a big game animal is like, since she has never seen that before.
gerry when will you be able to get out?
I hope that you get a crack at a Grizz :wink: remember lots of photographs.

gerry":2n7ggsxl said:
Rem Jim went out again with his buddy but haven't heard anything yet, hopefully he didn't get eaten :p My other buddies went out and filled 2 out of 3 tags, the big bear squared 8' 5" haven't been able to go see it in person yet. It was looking like I wouldn't be able to get out at all this spring but things are looking better and I just bought my grizzly tag tonight so my wife and I will camp out this weekend in some grizzly country :)

Hi guys - we went out again for a few days - did not get a grizzley yet but i did break the new 375 H&H in on a blackie - bang flop with a 270 gr Hornady ! at 75 yards :lol: LOL Seen lots of blackies but no pumpkin heads - need to break in the 45-70 yet ! LOL :wink:
Those bears from the coast are huge ! :shock: Very big ! 8)
We are going back again on thursday - we hope to connect yet ! :wink:

Cheers RJ :)