Swarovski HD20x60-80mm and Zeiss Victory 10x45 RF's


Dec 24, 2006
Here are a couple of pictures of the scope and rangefinder I have been messing with the last few weeks. I have to say, the glass on that Spotting scope is UNREAL! I mean it is out of this world. Same for the Zeiss rangefinders. Just have never been exposed to glass this good.

The scope is really nice and the neoprene cover is just icing on the cake. Very well made and easy to use. Plus, it just protects the heck out of the scope. Love the set up. I also have the Vortex camera mount in order to take still pictures of videos with the scope. Also, this is Swarovski's newest scope and man, it is light. My buddy has one about 10 years older and it is alot heavier, this scope is very light and again, the glass is just out of this world.




Can't say much more about the Zeiss, just excellent glass and the rangefinder is spot on and just easy to use. It ranges everything I have tried out to 1.5 Kilometers without issue.




All I can say is if you ever get a deal or chance to buy them or even to use them, give them a shot. It will change the way you look at optics. Scotty
Are you certain you don't want me to test them out thoroughly this fall? Great optics can transform your hunt. I bought the Leica Range Finder, primarily because I couldn't find a deal on the Zeiss. My binoculars are Zeiss, and even though they are older, they are surely nice. I do like that Zeiss glass, just as I truly enjoy the Swarovski glass.
Nice!!! Now you never have to buy or want for another spotting scope the rest of you life! Now figure out what that comes to a month to own. Congrats on great optics. Buy right cry once. Ps I'm gonna need 30 dollars for the bullets ha ha!!! :)
I have the same scope. I dont have that real nice fitted cover. I might have to search for one. The optics are simply awesome you cannot describe it. A scope like this one will spot an animal miles away and be able to judge their quality with ease. You can save alot of time and walking with this scope. Brian
Bryan, you are right about that! Awesome optics! Scotty
Scotty that is incredible! I got to look through some Zeiss range-finding bino's like that once and they were amazing. The Swaro spotter is top notch too! Like one here said, buy once and you only cry once! I love my little Leica Ultravid 10x25 compact binoculars and am soooo glad I spent the extra money for them. I know........they aren't full size bino's, but I sure like them and am more than satisfied with their performance.

Nice stuff you got there Scotty. Now you just need to draw a sheep tag for Montana! I'll do pre-season biologist contacts, scouting, spotting, gutting, and packing just as long as I get to go with if you draw!
That spotting scope has an amazing amount of clarity. I got a chance to use it when Scotty came down to shoot. That thing set on 20x blows my Burris set on 45x out of the water.
Really nice kit you have there. The best & well worth the extra cash.
Most of the German & Austrian optics are just unbeatable when it comes to performance & useability.
Here in the UK all my friends & I use the 3 big names: Leica, Zeiss & Swarovski optics. Pretty much 100% performance with damage easily repaired via their service centre.
None of us have any RF bins. though....they're on the 'Wish list'!

Those are top end optics for sure.
I have the Swaro 8x30 Laser Guide and the optics are crisp and bright but nothing in comparison to the spotting scope. Having a LRF in the binocular is very convenient.
