Switching stocks - but new stock is bedded to another action


Dec 13, 2006
I recently bought a Rem Model 7 CDL stock off 24CF. The seller did not mention it was previously bedded.

My action fits in, but the front screw is off just enough that it will not engage the threads.

Do open up the recoil lug channel to get the bolt screw lined up? Seems the only option or use it for another M7.

Once I get it opened enough and engaged, then re-epoxy the lug?

I considered a stock that was bedded to another action once. Decided it was too much trouble. In your case, you already have the stock (and likely no good recourse with the omitting seller...) so here's what I'd do:

Gently try to remove bedding from behind the lug as needed, to get proper fit and screw alignment. Once you establish that (and are sure it won't misalign the rear screw as an unintended result) then remove some of the bedding all over, and "skim" it and rebed the recoil lug, all at the same time.

Bear in mind, I've not done that before, but it seems like the most logical course of action in this situation. Pay close attention to the screw alignment and be sure you're not trading front screw misalignment for rear screw misalignment, but beyond that, I think you can use the base of the bedding, as new epoxy will adhere well to it, I'm sure, once you rough it up. No sense trying to get it all out, I imagine.

Someone with experience doing this may come along and correct me - and then we'll both learn something. Or maybe they'll corroborate me. We'll see.
Don't mess around, take a dremel to it, hog it out and rebed it. It's not that difficult so might as well do it right. Just tape up the stock and trim excess before it sets up hard.

If it fits well everywhere else you can try to open up and rebed the lug area. You an try jb weld putty. But use plenty of release agent. It's an ugly short cut and doesn't compare to a full rebedding but will work until you decide to make the stock permanent.
Opened the lug channel slightly and fit the action in. Will rough it up and try some Marine tex? for rebedding around the lug. It is a 223 so not much recoil, if that makes a difference?
I think you'll be fine. I just dremel'ed out the recoil lug on a B&C Medalist for a 7mm Rem Mag. Reapplied some Brownell's Steel Bed and it worked great.