The Modern Hunting Rifle.

That was a cool video. Nothing at all wrong with the AR rifles, but the ones in anything about 5.56 are a little too heavy to carry in the timber for me. Some may like them, but I carry enough of them for work, that it is nice to use something else. They are very reliable and scary accurate when utilized correctly. Scotty
It's about time that we were allowed to use them here in Canada.
I agree, they would be a great rifle for hunting wolves, quick follow up shots and accurate. They definitely have their place in the hunting fields. Hopefully they allow them for you all. Scotty
I won't hold my breath. They look evil, and the socialists and liberals are frightened by them. The vote in Canada is controlled in the cities. Here in BC, Vancouver and Victoria pretty well determine what happens in the remainder of the province. Hence, we are hewers of wood and drawers of water for the citified folk.
It is kind of the same thing in my home state of NY. I am from the Adirondacks. The darn NYC dictates what the rest of the state is allowed to do. Kind of the same thing as BC. It is too bad that a minority of the area, makes the majority for the rest of the good people of an area. Scotty
Roger that. Saskatoon and Regina control Saskatchewan. Winnipeg controls Manitoba. Toronto and environs control Ontario. Montreal controls Quebec. The east coast has been on the pogy so long that they are incapable of thinking rationally. Alberta seems to keep a fairly level view of things. Edmonton can't control the rest of the province. I know that San Francisco and Los Angeles impose their views on the rest of California, as does Seattle in Washington state. It is, nevertheless, aggravating in the extreme.
Dr Mike, as I'm sure you already know the laws governing firearms in Canada are wacky/illogical, written by people who had a good idea of what they wanted to do, but not understanding what they were doing at the same time.

The AR 180B(not the sterling built ones, those are prohibited and never legal) is in Canada a Non restricted rifle, meaning it is the same as a Mini 14 or rem 700 in .223 as far as the law is concerned. You can hunt coyotes and wolves with them. I seen one for $1400 with a M4 stock and an Aimpoint or some sort of red dot scope on it. That is about the same price as an AR, but useful in the field. Although, I personally prefer the AR. Maybe someday we'll get them back again. We've already won this battle once, we might do it again. I know Remington is trying to modify the R15 and R25 enouight that we can hunt with them. I'd love to try hunting with an R25, talk about a nice caliber/rifle combo.

The ar's have never intersted me a whole lot.
they are good rifles and all, and I sure think if a guy wants one he should be able to buy one.
But the just are not to cool to me. As to weather or not civilians should be able to buy them , I say of coures. In the hands of somebody who wants to kill people , most any gun will do.
I good lever action 30/30 would be deady in the hands of aguy who was good with it.
It , aint the gun, its the person behind it that matters...tj3006
In the hands of somebody who wants to kill people , most any gun will do.

And in the eyes of a liberal, anyone who handles a gun is a killer.

In this day, laws are seldom written to reflect logic, but emotion.
I sure like my AR. It's great for shooting p-dogs. When hunting Wyoming (where it's legal) I'll sometimes take my FN and some 150gr BT/AB's along as my intermediate range rifle. Haven't shot anything with it yet, but would sure like to.
Our government system is flawed at best.
The government is usually declared by the time the polls are closed here in the West.

LOL, yeah. If only the Canadian Senate was at least an elected house with 2 or 4 seats assigned per province. I think that would even it up a bit, but am doubtful of it ever happening.

If only the Canadian Senate was at least an elected house with 2 or 4 seats assigned per province. I think that would even it up a bit, but am doubtful of it ever happening.

Unfortunately, you are right. I fear such will have to be compelled by the people before that happens, and I can't see Central Canada surrendering their favoured position.
Compelled?? I beleive that the Bloc Quebecois is crying wolf for the most part, but many MP's and PM's find them compelling.......

It's a d*m**d shame that this thought even surfaces in ones' mind.
However, if the CPC(assuming they eventually get a majority) doesn't mend some fences that have become tattered over the past 25 years of liberal vote mongering and focused spending, I fear that nobody in this side(Western Canada) of the country will be bluffing. It almost seems as if most Albertans are waiting to see IF that happens.
Or to affirm that nobody in the East will give fair and equal representation regardless of which party is in power.

That would be a very bad thing. There have been alot of wars fought over oil/energy. We happen to sit on top of most of Canada's reserves and a good part of what the US considers it's local supply.

God help us and help the CPC to do the right thing. I really don't care to see what could happen.

There is assuredly a growing discontentment in the west. As northeast BC and Saskatchewan realise the oil and gas wealth they possess, to say nothing of the rich mineral wealth, they grow increasingly restive at the thought of quietly suffering the rape and pillage long endured at the hands of the east.