The Turdy-Turdy


Mar 23, 2017
I’ve been on the lookout for quite some time for a bolt action 30-30. I finally brought one home yesterday , a Savage 840. I’m very pleased in the overall condition of the rifle.
Now I can load any bullet I want without worrying about a tubular magazine.
A buddy of my dad’s wife used a savage 340 in 30-30 my whole childhood. It was a pretty accurate rifle and accounted for many whitetails over the years. I think you will enjoy that rifle.
Back when rifles were still affordable and 30-30 was $16.00 a box and could be found at the Cenex, I couldnt talk myself into one. Sounds like a good "back door" or truck gun. Could be fun. Had a buddy with a contender in 30-30 that could out shoot my rifle at 100yds. A friend just picked up a 340 Savage in "tripple duce". Good luck, and enjoy. CL
A friend in high school used his father's Savage Mod 340 30-30 and took a spike with it. Did a good job and we thought he was carrying a big game rifle. As stated above that 125gr bullet wt would be ideal for that rifle. Dan.
THe only bolt acton 30-30 I own is a Winchester M54. Found it at a gun show and the guy was asking $600. I offered $400 which didn't make him too happy. I pointed out the well worn stock and lack of factory bluing and that the rifle looked like it had been rode hard and put away wet and finally he ask cash? Pulled out 4 Benjamins and the deal was done. The bore in that rifle was as shiny as a brand new dime and it's one of the best cast bullet shooters I own. I've been tempted to send it out for a total restoration but decided to leave it as is. One very cool rifle.
Paul B.
Still waiting on some rings yet but went ahead and ran a few down the barrel.
This is what I’ll be using for now, got an extra piece of brass in the bag to top things off. This is the first time using the WRE primers and those suckers seat hard. If your primer pockets are loosening up look these up. Did prime 5 cases with 210M just to see if it was the brass, nope. Loaded the 125gr SST from 37.2-40grs , with 39.7grs giving me 2470’s. There’s no need to stand on the gas with this old girl.
I’ve been on the lookout for quite some time for a bolt action 30-30. I finally brought one home yesterday , a Savage 840. I’m very pleased in the overall condition of the rifle.
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Now I can load any bullet I want without worrying about a tubular magazine.
Those savage 340’s are made from old machine gun barrels. You have a grocery getter forever and hand me down to the kids’ kids
That should be an excellent deer fetcher. Looking forward to hearing about how it shoots.
Today I got around making holes in paper with the Savage. I thru on a Weaver 3x9 I had laying around. This side mounted scope base is a little higher than I like. The trigger has a lot of creep built into it. I’m impressed by this little guy.
I shot 2 groups with WRE primers with 39.7 grs of BL-C2 and the 125gr SST. The second group I got the trigger figured out.
1’st group
2’nd group now we’re talking
I also loaded some up with Fed 210M primers , not so impressive.
This is the first rifle I tried the WRE primers in and the 30-30 seems to approve of them.
Heck yeah.
She's a shooter. Congratulations on a fine job of load development.

I have an uncle who is more of a casual hunter these days but he and my aunt each have a Savage 340 in .30-30 for hunting deer and elk. They shoot factory 150 grain bullets and couldn’t be happier.

Were I to get a .30-30 (or ‘when’ might be more apropos) I have always wanted a Marlin 1893 or 336. I also thought a .30-30 would be a delightful selection in a single-shot or combination gun. A nice Model 64 Winchester would be a great choice too.

All these years later, the .30-30 is still a top ten seller and for good reason, it works! No I’ve never owned a .30-30 rifle but I have shot plenty of them and have nothing but reverence for it.
My brother and his buddy have several of these 30-30s. I know at local gun shows these babies have a premium price tag.
I have a few 30-30s. Two M94s, one from 1911 that belonged to my Great Grandfather and another 1981 vintage. Two M64s, one from 1938 my birth year and the other from the end of production which I think was somewhere around 1971. Then there is the M54 that I like so much.

These days most of what 30-30 shooting I do is with cast bullets at the range and which one I'm using depends on my mood. Before the accident that sidelined my getting out and about there were times when I wanted to get away from it all, I load up a box or two with a cast bullet load assembled the old fashioned way using a Lyman 310 Tong Tool, and bright and early next morning would find me out wandering about in the desert looking for a jackrabbit or two to harass. Usually I had my beat up Colt single action .45 on my hip as well. For a few hours I was taken back to another era that led to a much simpler life..

Usually no jackrabbits were harmed on those jaunts.
Paul B.