Thompson Center coming back


Ammo Smith
Mar 1, 2007

You don't see this type of video very often showing the behind the scenes of a brand coming back to life again. I found it very interesting. Would be really fun to be able to go through all the prototype firearms they worked on over the years. Who knows maybe some of them will make it into the marketplace one day.
The very first high-powered rifle cartridge I ever shot with was out of a 243 Contender pistol, and then the same round out of an Encore out to 400 yards. Also blew up a tree with tannerite with it
They certainly made some accurate guns.
My Contender 7-30 Waters shot it's best group with a 140 gr BT, it measured .225".
My Omega 50 Cal Muzzleloader would consistently shoot sub 2" groups at 100 yards.
TC should do well.

I’ve wanted an Encore of XP100 pistol for a long time. They’ve evaded me for quite awhile.
Same here. I had a line on a XP100 in 35 Remington that unfortunately didn't materialize.
Plan was to have a 6.5-284 built.

I owned one of the .50 cal Hawken kits and still have a contender with several barrels.
The Contender is a great shooting handgun and have killed numerous heads of game with it.
The Hawken barrel needed to be refreshed to make it accurate once done it would littery drive tacks.
Anyone that sees them in the wild, post it up. Looking forward to seeing one.