To much scope?


Feb 14, 2007
Put a VXIII 4.5-14x40 LR on my 280 AI, great scope. Not sure if I like it for this application though. It seems to always need focussing, even on 8x. I'm going to hunt with it during elk season this year to see how it works. If I'm having to mess with it all the time to get it clear I'm sending it down the road. On a Long Range gun its no problem but I can see it causing problems on a mountain/hunting rifle where shots can be on the quickish side sometimes.

Might have to look at another VXIII 3.5-10x40 like my 338 WM has. Maybe I'll have to try something new I don't know.
jmad does that have the adjustable objective? I am not a real fan of them unless they are specificaly used on a strictly long range rig for hunting or a shooting sport. I had a fixed 8x Leupold that had the adjustable objective and I never got to liking it and sold it. I then bought a straight 6 x 42 Leupold to replace it, and I love it! My son has the 4.5 x 14 x 40 with the B&C reticle on his 6mm and It is sharp and clear and we don't have to mess with focusing it at the eyepiece. It always is sharp and clear. It also does not have the adjustable objective.

I really like my son's scope but ALL of my own rifles has a fixed power Leupold on it and all are 6x but one 4x. If I am lucky enough to someday replace my .280 Remington I sold a few years ago I'm going to get a 6 x 42 and have Leupold put the crosshair dots in the scope calibrated for the bullet and velocity I will be shooting it at. It should work just fine for long range with a scope like that. I cannot see myself ever shooting at an animal over 600 yards at the absolute farthest, and at that everything would have to be perfect before I would take the shot. Now on an already wonded animal absolutely. That is a no brainer!

That is a pretty good scope, maybe you just need to get acclimated with it.
If you do decide to make a change, look at the VX-3 2.5-8x36mm. This scope is my favorite, light weight, very clear and bright, and the standard duplex on 8x is just fine for 500-600 yd shooting. I have no trouble holding on a 6" black bulls eye qt 500 yds.
A dandy scope for a mountain rifle.

That is an awesome scope! I agree with Jim's advise. BTW if you ever want to sell that Leupy....... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Yes this scope has the side focus on it. I have no plans for shooting at game past 600 yrds and under perfect conditions. I like having the variable power for different situations. Can sure see how a fixed power would make things simpler though.

I'll keep you in mind pop. :wink:
Just my thoughts, but I would put a 3.5-10 or 2.5-8 on it. I will put a 4.5-14 on my .257 Weatherby, but for a .280 I would go a few less x's.

I would love to be able to commit to a 6x36 FXII or 6x42 FXIII, and maybe I will when I buy a .243. (I know it's coming, just a matter of when my resolve not to fails). I plan to just shoot the crap out of the .243, trying to burn out the barrel for a .260 project. And, of course, to improve my long range abilities.
I have the VariXIII in that magnification and have no issue whatsoever. The 4.5X14 is just about right for any application IMO.
I don't have a problem with the magnification at all. I really like it. I just don't like having to constantly adjust the focus to see out of it. I had a Burris FFII 4.5-14 and I didn't have this problem with it. I could just leave it set on infinity and could see everything pretty good.

We'll see, I still have a month to get used to it before my season starts. If corn harvest would just cooperate I could get some more trigger time in.
Does this happened when changing the magnification or when looking at varying distances. Not familiar with VXIII so I'm not sure if that is normal. The scope might have issue. I have several Leupold and never have this problem.
I played around with it yesterday a bit. It does seem to be worse at the higher magnifiation. Once I got it set right it didn't seem to bad. I must be rubbing it on something while I'm hunting or transporting it that tweaks it just a bit every now and then.
I second what Jim said about the 2.5x8 VX3. I have that scope with the B&C reticle on my 338 Win Mag and it is perfect. Looking back, I would rather have used that for just about all my rifles than the 3.5x10 I have on most of my rifles. The 8x gives plenty of magnification out to 500 for me and is a fairly compact scope. Good luck, I am sure you will get it all sorted out. I wouldn't want to mess with focusing stuff on a hunting rifle. A LR rifle is different. Scotty
I am currently using a Nikon 4.5 X 14 on my 30-06. It has a side focus and that is a feature that I like. One of the reasons I went with a 4.5 X 14 was that some times with even a 3 X 9 on 9 it is hard to see spikes on elk. Most of Montana is Browtine bulls but up until this year cows have been fair game in may of the hunting districts. Often the only thing that is not legal is spikes or little two points. Small spikes can be hard to spot in the timber at much of a distance. Then there is the situation when is it a rag horn or a two point when they are looking at you. A couple of years back I let a little 5 point get away because I couldn't tell on till it turn sideways and got out of there. I always hunt with the scope set on the lowest power. If I do come across a distant target it is then that I crank up the power.
I can definately see this as JD mentioned - getting aclimated -

The majority of my hunting has been with a straight 16X Leupy or 12X Leupy - All my scopes are adjustable objectives and just happens as second nature anymore.
The ATV definately appears to move the AO ring down to 50yds on most any of the scopes I carry on it.

My newest two Zeiss scopes are side adjustable which has taken a little getting used to, but I'm quickly liking the side adjustment.

That 4.5 x 14 is one heck of a scope for that open country - hopefully that will be what soon sits atop my .280

Get some trigger time with it and good luck hunting !
I got them on my 264 win my 378 Bee and my 300 RUM. I love them!
Well two more days of corn harvest then I'll be working up some elk loads. Be hunting Nov. 6th - till we get one. I'll keep you guys posted on how it works. I'm considering a Zeiss Conquest 3.5-10x44 with the z600 as a replacement, but we'll see. If I keep this one it will get a TMR installed.
Good luck for the weather with the corn. Seems like either scope would be great for the 280. I am sure no matter what scope is on it, it will work excellent as a deer rifle this year. Looking forward to hearing how it works for you this year. Scotty