

May 26, 2012
I’m going to mount an optic on my .375 Ruger.
I’ll use it for plains game and later, hopefully, Buffalo in South Africa.

Thinking about a Trijicon Accupoint 1-6 X 24.
How’s the tracking, reliability, repeatability, and sturdiness of this scope? Thanks in advance.

Trijicon makes a pretty good scope. I've never heard anything bad about them.
When I got my 375 H&H Mag, I looked at several scopes and ended up with the Leupold VX-5HD 2-10x42mm. I wanted low magnification for up close situations but also wanted some higher magnification to stretch the barrel. I've shot it out to 600 yards.

I have had the Trijicon TR24G 1-4 x 24 with green triangle post on my 416 Taylor since it was built and it has provided good service to date.
While I haven't hunted with it as yet, it has provided good service while sighting in and performing the load development that I have completed to date, under varying light conditions at the range.
The scoped rifle package weighs in at 9 lbs 10 oz for a LH Ruger M77 Mk II with a 22" King barrel with NECG banded front sight, glass and pillar bedded in the factory Ruger laminated stock. The preferred load so far is a 350 gr TSX at 2415 fps, with 4532 ft. lbs of energy at the muzzle, and producing 46.8 ft. lbs of felt recoil.
(This load is 2.0 gr off max (max is 71.0 gr), which would provide an additional 66 fps in muzzle velocity (sorry, I did not calculate the recoil for the max load), and 251 additional ft. lbs of energy.)

Suffice it to say, while it has not yet been exposed to hundreds of rounds, it has seen a good number of rounds while sighting in and performing load development with Win 748 and Re-15 powders with this bullet, in 1/2 gr increments up to the max data for each powder. (This preferred load is producing 3-shot groups at 100 yards of 0.4". The Win 748 powder provided groups of just under 1.1")

So far the scope has not any issues maintaining its zero. The glass is crystal clear, and provides a good field of view at 1 power, while giving good ability to focus on the target and still see the fine details at 100 yards.
Since this load will be 1.3" high at 100 yards, zeroed at 200 and down 3.3" at 300 yards with a retained velocity of 1942 fps and and 2930 ft. lbs of energy, the 1-4 power will provide enough magnification for when ramping magnification up to 4 power is needed. If I was to buy a Trijicon for my 376 Steyr, I believe that I would be looking at a higher range of magnification too e.g., 1-6 or 1-8, or 2-7.

Reliability of Trijicon optics is well documented by those with a lot more experience with these optics in the game fields around the globe than I have, so shouldn't be a concern.

Repeatability and tracking; I cannot comment on as I have not performed any testing of this scope in this regard so cannot provide first hand experience. I will let other comment on this.

Sturdiness; these are not exactly lightweight scopes. While there are definitely harder recoiling rifles out there with Trijicons mounted on them...many of which are designed for use on Dangerous Game, these scopes are robust enough to (have) provide years of reliable service for this type of service. Made me feel totally comfortable with this selection, purchase and use. So far, I have had no reason for regrets.

Colour of optic: May be of interest to you...our eyes lose these colours, in this order, under low light conditions; yellow first, then red, and green last. this is why I chose the green triangle. (I aslo only use red and green fibre optics in my custom archery sights (no yellow at all), with the majority being green (e.g., on a 5 or 7 pin sight, I will have 3 or 4 pins in green, and 2 or 3 in red, so that I have more higher visible pins under low light conditions.)

I do not believe you have any reason for concern should you follow through with the purchase of the scope you have mentioned.
I’m going to mount an optic on my .375 Ruger.
I’ll use it for plains game and later, hopefully, Buffalo in South Africa.

Thinking about a Trijicon Accupoint 1-6 X 24.
How’s the tracking, reliability, repeatability, and sturdiness of this scope? Thanks in advance.

Top notch on all your questions. I’ve got a 1-4 Accupoint and a 1-8 Credo HX. The Accupoint rides around on my Tikka 338 Federal. They are heavy duty scopes for professional use.