I'm a big fan of Winchester in general, specially the Model 70. I got several of them, from .223 to .45-90. I like the Featherweight, Classic Sporter, and the LT version.
I've had great success with Winchesters. The rifles manufactured in Florence, SC since 2008 have returned Big Red to the winner's circle.
Woodycreek":gutnoae5 said:
I see the 300wsm in the middle of that group very soon.

I guess you'll be the first to find out! :twisted:

I do like them M70's. Pretty soon here, I imagine they will be the the strong majority of my safe... Well, they are already actually but I have a few more I would like to cull in order to get the safe balanced. Scotty
I am starting to like M70s more and more, but they have a long way to go before they are the majority in my safe!

(Like 14 or so!)

But I think I might be making an offer on the .270 Weatherby I saw yesterday. Need to stay out of gun shops! Grrr!
beretzs":6sda9y38 said:
Woodycreek":6sda9y38 said:
I see the 300wsm in the middle of that group very soon.

I guess you'll be the first to find out! :twisted:

I do like them M70's. Pretty soon here, I imagine they will be the the strong majority of my safe... Well, they are already actually but I have a few more I would like to cull in order to get the safe balanced. Scotty

You are selling the 270wsm :shock: :mrgreen:
Woodycreek":1jye8f56 said:
beretzs":1jye8f56 said:
Woodycreek":1jye8f56 said:
I see the 300wsm in the middle of that group very soon.

I guess you'll be the first to find out! :twisted:

I do like them M70's. Pretty soon here, I imagine they will be the the strong majority of my safe... Well, they are already actually but I have a few more I would like to cull in order to get the safe balanced. Scotty

You are selling the 270wsm :shock: :mrgreen:

Ummmmm, not ever. It would be THE LAST rifle to ever leave me. Too good of a cartridge and rifle for just about everything to be honest.

Kurt, that 270WBY is a cool cartridge. It really puts some speed on the 140-150's. Scotty
My buddy is selling one what a deal!

Win extreme weather fluted ss barrel

I will post it soon
Scotty that's some beautiful wood you have there.
Those are some nice looking rifles.
Thanks Randy. I do like the way that laminate looks on these Winchesters. Hoping UPS shows up shortly, got a scope that is screaming to get mounted! Scotty
beretzs":3loti15n said:
Thanks Randy. I do like the way that laminate looks on these Winchesters. Hoping UPS shows up shortly, got a scope that is screaming to get mounted! Scotty
Scotty I love Laminates! They look so darn gorgeous and strong like bull too! It's the best of both worlds in my opinion. :grin:
6mm Remington":2j5v1jat said:
beretzs":2j5v1jat said:
Thanks Randy. I do like the way that laminate looks on these Winchesters. Hoping UPS shows up shortly, got a scope that is screaming to get mounted! Scotty
Scotty I love Laminates! They look so darn gorgeous and strong like bull too! It's the best of both worlds in my opinion. :grin:

Yeah, I have a few of them now. They are rugged and just great rifles to hold. I am thinking about sending them off to your friend that does checkering in the future. I think that would be a nice add on to them. They are all slick now, not that it has been a worry in the past, but the checkering would look pretty nice. Scotty

I like the laminated stock. It looks real classy. I have not used a wood stocked rifle for many years maybe its time. A good backup rifle is a must. I sleep better knowing it is their if needed.
brianwyo":tggjli9y said:

I like the laminated stock. It looks real classy. I have not used a wood stocked rifle for many years maybe its time. A good backup rifle is a must. I sleep better knowing it is their if needed.

Thanks Bryan. These stocks on the 7 and 270 are my favorites so far. Not to chunky and they fit me pretty well. Scotty
The average factory Tupperware stock is such a piece of poorly made cheesy junk, it hard to know how to buy a decent non-wood stock in this rifle market. Maybe spending the extra money on laminants is the way to go?
Model 70 sporters are a tad on the heavy side but like was said previously, they are well designed for shooting and handle easily. I can shoot mine in the field better than any rifle I've previously owned. I find the weight helps steady my hold. And they look soooooo goooood!
Those make a nice trio. I've always loved the Win M-70 and thought a pre-64 Western in 264 WM w/ 26" barrel was the quintissential "out West" rifle.

Very cool man. Anyone who says you have "overlap" ought to have his rifle loony credentials called into SERIOUS QUESTION!
efw":2ya8pdrn said:
Very cool man. Anyone who says you have "overlap" ought to have his rifle loony credentials called into SERIOUS QUESTION!

I dunno, man. Fotis has as good of rifle loony street cred as anybody (witness the Ruger Number 1 event), and he has a SERIOUS problem with overlap.

I, obviously, do not share that hangup.
.257 Wby

2x 7 WSM
2x 7 RM

.300 H&H
.300 WSM
.300 WM
.300 Wby.