We Don't Know How Fortunate We Are...

What a turd. I hope he dries up and blows away.

I just learned that the White House has added another bullet to the list they've already helpfully provided.

"In the 12th Century B.C., Moses the Lawgiver delivered the Ten Commandments to the Israelites.

President Obama the Lawgiver has added significantly to them."
The sun rose this morning and like the narcissistic rooster he is, Obama took credit for it.
Yet another WH blog entry.

“God created the world in six days. President Obama created his first White House jobs summit in just four.” :lol:
DrMike":28k9geuz said:
I just learned that the White House has added another bullet to the list they've already helpfully provided.

"In the 12th Century B.C., Moses the Lawgiver delivered the Ten Commandments to the Israelites.

President Obama the Lawgiver has added significantly to them."

Choke, choke!!
If there was a new pictionary for idiots, one would note that beside the word Narcissist,,,there would be a picture of this unscrupulous wannabe.