What is your favorite critter to hunt?


Feb 14, 2007
I've been thinking about this for a while. I really like hunting everything, but Mule deer and spring bear spot and stalk style have to be my two favorites! Elk are a blast as well...right up to the point when you packing it out, now don't get me wrong they are still alot of fun, but there is alot of work that comes along with it. Elk might be the most rewarding of them all. But as far as pure pleasure of the hunt... I can't get past an old mule deer, and that huge black (or brown) spot on the other side of the draw.

A very close second for me was a traditional mussel loader hunt that oregon has. It is a rut hunt for whitetails, last year was my first year (its a 4 year draw) and it was a blast!

There are alot of things that I have not got to hunt yet, but I'm working on making that list shorter.

What does it for you guys?
Without a doubt, my favourite hunt is bear. It makes no difference whether it is black bear or grizzly, I really get into this hunt. I enjoy elk, and I enjoy deer (both white tail and mule deer), and moose is always fun. However, to get my blood pumping, let me see a bear.
I hunt White tail here in TN and have hunted them in Texas, Louisiana,Ohio,Arkansas, And Kentucky all my life. However My favorite has to be Elk. Just where they are (traditionally) is beyond compare. My second favorite is the little Bob white Quail. I just love watching my GSP Ginny, go on point. Third would be Rabbit with about 4 to 6 Beagles chasing them. Love the sound of a hound! If I ever have the opportunity to go for bear, or Moose, I am sure the list would change. I Hope to try my hand at Mule deer this year with Greg Nolan. Might move the Bob down the list 1 notch!
Small game= ground squirrels or PD's
I love to hunt all big game but since back and knee troubles and surgeries etc I would have to say pronghorns as I cannot hike up and down hills like I use to. Still love to hunt deer and bear and am looking forward to elk. Would love to go to africa or hunt caribuo(sp).

Enjoy hunting with rifle/pistol or black powder muzzle loaders. Also bow.
ELK hands down. its cheaper to take up smoking crack than running with these critters, but man what a rush. cougar takes a close second
its cheaper to take up smoking crack than running with these critters, but man what a rush.

+1 :lol:


Are you using hounds for cougar? I've seen them a few times, but I've never hunted them. I've certainly come across recent kills, but again, I've not hunted them. What I've seen looks like fun.
No question elk is #1. Big, tough, majestic and smart. Mule deer is #2 Fast and sneaky with a bounce that would make a kangaroo jealous. A big ol boar hog is #3 Tough as a tank and meaner than a mother in law!
JDMAG and I wil be taking #1 & #2 on in about a month. Place your betts! :twisted:
Mine would have to be antelope or mule deer. Nothing like chasing the big boys around the plains or sagebrush country. This is where the long range shooting can pay off and either mean the difference of bagging a trophy or going home with nothing. Deer and antelope usually offer you a couple differnt chances over the season and there not near as much work to get out.

Elk are up there in my book as well, but elk hunting is just plain tough, and even tougher when you get one down. You dont always get a 2nd chance for elk and sometimes you dont get any, guess thats hunting.

I have to agree with jmad and DrMike though on the bears. They just get my adrenaline going like crazy. Hard to hold steady on them when you cant control yourself. Dont know what exactly it is with bears that gets me going so bad.
Never hunted bear but there is nothing like hunting muleys.

I tell you what here in norcal there is nothing like a good old fashioned deer drive. We have a group of about 20-25every year for opening weekend it dont matter if you are driving or standing its fun unless you miss then you lose your shirttail.

I also wont pass up an opportunity to have a good predator caller call for me that can be a rush
As much as I love hunting elk, I'm going to have to say that hunting these hogs here in CA is an absolute blast, not to mention that you can hunt them year around and they eat good as well. Hog hunting will be the only thing I miss about CA when I leave in January.

I'm going to have to schedule a hog hunt. It does sound challenging. How about trying it with a dog and a knife?
DrMike":1ko1obu6 said:

I'm going to have to schedule a hog hunt. It does sound challenging. How about trying it with a dog and a knife?

Well, I have a Rambo type knife, but I don't think my Pomeranian is up for the task. As for challenging, the only hard part is finding them.
If hunt with dogs and stick a hog in the early morning semi dark when they are out and about you will never forget it.
All the dogs and demons from hell make no more terrifying sounds wrapped up in a choking cloud of dust in the dark at about 12 feet from you. And when your flashlight hits the hog and you lock eyes you know your looking into the devils eyes, and He Knows "You're The One" twisted:
Beyond that, good dogs will stretch him out and pin him so you can stick him.
It's good for about a thousand stories to friends and family :grin: Unless the hog breaks loose :wink:
The pictures and videos I seen of hunting with a pig sticker look like a hoot. For an adrenaline junkie, it looks like it would be the ticket. Even for an old guy like me, I'd be willing to try it once. My insurance is paid up!
Call me crazy, but I have a heck of a time sifting one out from the rest. Quite honestly, I certainly don't have near the experience others here do. However, the rush I got from my black bear wasn't all that different from the one I get when a pheasant explodes at my feet. Or when stomping through a prairie dog town and suddenly hear a rattle in front of me. The rest of the world disappears and all that exists in that snapshot are my colleagues - human or canine, the target, and me.

Sitting in a patch of trees that erupts in gobbles at dawn, catching up to a coon hound that's blowing the top out of a tree, a whitetail sticking his head out of the timber, or a flock of Canadas making a low pass over the spread, are all addictive. They're simply too good to miss.
Hunting is just plain addictive. However, there are critters that simply get the adrenaline pumping. Given the opportunity, the addict will take that critter over all others, knowing that he can always have the others to fall back on.
For me, it's got to be mule deer. That likely has as much to do with the places I hunt them, and the company I keep during the hunt. It's a great family and friends hunt!
Guy- Well said. My brother and I hunt eveything togeather. My wife goes sometimes, but for the most part If my bro or myself have have a tag we're both going and we are going to have a blast, and most of the time We'll get a pretty good whatever we're hunting.

I will have to agree with bob as well calling in yotes is a blast! I can't wait for winter to get here! My bro and I are going to try calling in some bob cats, and a cougar! All part of shortening the list of things I haven't hunted.
Undoubtedly, friends and family make the experience delightful. However, don't forget that some of us enjoy hunting solo. The experience of solitude and the excitement of the hunt create unforgettable experiences, in addition to teaching us to be resourceful and responsible.