Whelen owners motto?

RiverRider":1jqyains said:
There are lots of GREAT cartridges out there that can be said to be inferior to another for a wide variety of reasons. It's all purely subjective, and we all have our own perspectives on the subject. In my own way of seeing it, the .257 Roberts is much less desirable than the .25-06 but that is because I see the consumption of a few more grains of powder for the velocity gain as being well worth it, yet I have no desire for a .257 Weatherby because I don't see the velocity gain as a good trade for the additional powder consumption and increased recoil. I would never say the .25-06 is a better cartridge than either; that case just can't be rationally argued. But I would say that it's a better choice for me because that's just how I see things from where I sit.

Some of us prefer cartridges based on power and velocity alone. Some of us choose a cartridge because we like the less common rounds. Some of us choose a cartridge for "adequate" terminal performance and shootability. Heaven knows there those of us who will buy a rifle and load for it because someone gave us a hundred empty cases and a set of dies!

I think it's pretty silly to get wrapped around the axle because of someone else's cartridge preference. It can be fun to kick one around a bit though.
yukon huntress":1l2u8jre said:
I use 125, 150, 165, 180, and 220 in the old girl--for varmints, wolf, deer, caribou, elk, moose, black, brown and white bear, goat and sheep, bison and muskox. All with one rifle. What is he smallest bullet one can buy for a whelen.

I dunno how well they would shoot, but you could load 88 grain HPs (.380 ACP bullets). I DO know that 125 and 158 grain .357 Magnum bullets shoot GREAT from my Whelen.
I really like the Whelen, I just have that need/want covered with the 9.3x74R. And budget won't quite allow for both. :cry:
However, the 9.3/250AB having a higher BC than the.35/225AB in a stronger modern action than the Drilling, loaded to the same pressure has better ballistics. That and the 286PT's SD, puts it in a whole different class. That all makes it a better round! :p :p

Jus yankin trash chains. :twisted:
Now this is getting interesting 8). I have never disputed that a 30-06 is a good caliber but I am sure thankful that we can use it to make some great calibers :mrgreen:.
I owned a 375 Hurt & Hurt for almost 20 years and never shot any other bullet than the 235gr speers from it. I would say it is likely the best big bore that has been ever made just look at its legacy.
But once you have owned the Whelen you can't turn back :wink:

One of the Whelen's biggest asset's, other than it's capable of any game on this continent, is relatively inexpensive brass source. And yes, all the rounds parented by the 06 great in thier own respects!
You must be a traitor Dan :p When I lived near Saskatoon, all my neighbor's swore by the .303 against my .30-06
Dave when are you going to come back to God's country :wink:
I would have never cut down the 308 it is a fine caliber as well!!
My motto is so many calibers & so little time :(

Cant stay and play fellows, unfortunately I have to work for a living. so my husband and I are off to the back country, and we will both be carrying----- lever actions 45/70 s. I bet that confuses the hell out of you (-;

It always amazes me that I get nasty pms when I express my opinion, unless of course everyone gets nasty pms when they express their opinion, then I guess it is o.k.. "What would a girl know about this anyway"--your right , I dont. "What makes you an authority"---I am not! "who cares what you think" --nobody. O.k. now that I have answered the naysayers, let me say, I dont care what anyone else uses, this all started between Scotty and I and we were teasing each other ---jeeezzz!!!

For the record I have used the 30-06 for every animal that is legal to shoot in the Yukon, but part of that is because we were a poor family, the gun was there, bullets were cheap, and it did what it was suppose to do, killed what I was aiming at. so I had no complaints. Actually at this time I am using a 300 H & H and a 375 H & h and a 45/70 more than any other calibers. I am in the process of purchasing a 275 H & H to go with my 300 and 375.

Scotty, I wanted to thank you and Aleena for the guidance you both gave me on the 244 H & H. I did not buy it, thanks for the help. Aleena is still negotiating the price of the 275 H & H, no word on that deal yet.

o.k I am off to work,
If offended anyone I would like to apologize right now. I did this as good natured kidding. I have only used private messaging to a few people and it was never to cut anyone down.
I have never questioned anyone's knowledge as almost everyone would have more than me as I am just now learning this game,

yukon huntress
Who ever is being an a-hole and sending you nasty pm's needs to be kicked off this forum.
I for one love to hear a womens perspective on hunting and shooting, especially from someone with your experience.
Charlie once u have owned a 35 Whelen you have come so close to perfection
you shouldn't need to look any further :mrgreen:.
It just takes non believers a little longer to realize it 8)

There has been great camaraderie on this site, and a lot of good-natured give and take. Should someone take umbrage, they need to recognise the nature of the exchange. Whenever anyone degenerates into personal attacks, it is the sign of an inability to communicate. Such people need a time-out to consider how to behave like an adult. I confess that it is a source of dismay and aggravation to think that anyone frequenting this particular forum would attack another individual, and especially because of their sex. I have said it before and I say it again: such acts should never be tolerated.
Mike, thank you for your last post. That should be a code for all to follow.
Anything less is not acceptable!

I fully agree with DrMike. I have always liked this forum because of the respect members generally have for other members. Many forums are just not habitable for all the rancor and animosity that is tolerated within, and I'd hate to see this one degenerate. I also fully agree that whoever is using PMs to harass Yukon Huntress (or anyone else, for that matter) should be banned.
Absolutely Dr. Mike. The first code is to be a gentleman and show your breeding. If you do not have any breeding, this is the time to shut up! I still find it hard to accept that some of our fellow sportsmen have such bad manners, as to put down our experienced sportsladies, female contingent.
DrMike":23wlc4ty said:
There has been great camaraderie on this site, and a lot of good-natured give and take. Should someone take umbrage, they need to recognise the nature of the exchange. Whenever anyone degenerates into personal attacks, it is the sign of an inability to communicate. Such people need a time-out to consider how to behave like an adult. I confess that it is a source of dismay and aggravation to think that anyone frequenting this particular forum would attack another individual, and especially because of their sex. I have said it before and I say it again: such acts should never be tolerated.

Well said!!!
"My motto is so many calibers & so little time"
Ain't that the truth.

"Dave when are you going to come back to God's country."
There's is some wonderful country up there without a doubt Dan. I truely had some great times north of Prince Albert fishing at Lake Besnard and had the oppritunity once to be in on a Moose hunt while at the lodge.
I didn't know a lot of hunters the short time (2 seasons) I was there to team up with. I hunted alone mostly at the 3 neighbors that had ground bordering Saskatchewan River. Some darn nice deer there. One of two mine not being the biggest I seen, but scored 152 pts after drying.. Because of the numbers I was seeing on the small river edge 10-20 acre wheat fields sectioned off by timber and shelter belts between, I had a hard time getting a clean shot without the risk of a pass through hitting others.
I was young back then, but still couldn't get use to the politics there, part of the reason I left. As I had reasons to stay also, it was a hard choice at the time.
Now with what we got politically, I'm not sure whom has it worse.
velvetant":h8hbuud5 said:
yukon huntress
Who ever is being an a-hole and sending you nasty pm's needs to be kicked off this forum.
I for one love to hear a womens perspective on hunting and shooting, especially from someone with your experience.
Indeed Randy, I'd really enjoy a face to face with those.
It's sad to see how the anonymity of a computer keyboard brings out the true colors of AH's