Ziess HD5 2x10x42 Reticle? (Update)


May 18, 2009
I'm kinda stumpted :shock: ..I recently purchased the HD5 2x10x42 with the Z Plex reticle for my .375 H&H and am truly amazed on the glass of this scope and over all performace.

Now the time has come to buy another for my 7mm Rem mag, although I haven't physicaly seen the scope, I'm thinking of the Rapid Z600 for this one, or should I go with the Z Plex again. Doe's the Rapid Z600 seem to "busy" etc?

Most of my shots well be 300 yds and under, but could be up to 500-600yds as well,
I'm shooting 150gr swift scirocco II's @3110 fps,

Thanks for any input :)

Lou, I sort of like the Z600. It's a marked tree so it's very easy to reference if you know the range. Use the Zeiss ballistic calc to make sure your load lines up. Try to chrono your current load to make sure of your velocity.
SJB358":nj45y3ux said:
Lou, I sort of like the Z600. It's a marked tree so it's very easy to reference if you know the range. Use the Zeiss ballistic calc to make sure your load lines up. Try to chrono your current load to make sure of your velocity.

Scotty, I've done all that pal :grin: ..I've had the Leupold's with the B&C reticle, and they also worked great on the 270wsm and 7mag, so if the Z600 is better, and not to "busy" I'll go that rout for the 7mag, but I have to physicaly see the scope first 8)

I really like the Zeiss "Rapid Z" series of reticles for hunting, and don't find them too busy at all. I think you'll find that the reticle is a lot less distracting when looking thru the scope vs looking at computer generated portrayals of the reticle -- with a little time behind the scope, you won't even notice the holdover marks until you go to use them. I own a 6.5-20 with the Varmint Z, and have spent quite a bit of time looking thru the z600 and z800 scopes -- this is probably my favorite reticle layout for hunting. (My only complaint is that the z600 and z800 reticles are thicker than I like -- too thick in my opinion if you wanted to use the scope for small long range varmints like prairie dogs. With the glass quality of the HD5, Zeiss could go with a little thinner reticle for the Z600 and Z800 and not lose any low light capabilities, while making the scope a little more versatile. The McWhorter reticle, which is very similar to the Z800, does this very thing for Meopta's MeoStar R14-16x44.)
I say what works works! I went with same reticles on both my Swarovski Z5's with the Ballistic turret and plex on both just to keep things consistent as with that system you find your yardage dial it and send it! They give you data for 4 preset zeros and after that you have 1/4 MOA clicks until it tops out! You going with same magnification?
HOGWILD338-378":2j4vxaaz said:
You going with same magnification?

Yes, I'm thinking of going the same magnification, 2x10x42, almost certain Z600 for the 7mag :)

Well, I went today to my favourite gun shop to look at the Rapid Z600 reticle :) ..I looked through it for awhile, and even took the darn scope outside to check out some scenery :shock: ...Well, well, the Z600 came home with me, I like it! :twisted:

Should work nicely on the 7mm Rem mag..Lou

Congratulations Lou, that is a fine piece of glass and I am sure we are going to hear nothing but good things from you once it is on and been to the range :mrgreen:.

sask boy":2zl10akd said:
Congratulations Lou, that is a fine piece of glass and I am sure we are going to hear nothing but good things from you once it is on and been to the range :mrgreen:.


That's not a bad way to spend a Sunday. Congrats on a great scope!
A pair of Bavarians each wearing a Zeiss HD5... Those are two pretty snazzy setups you've got there. Enjoy!
Hegland":1d94inab said:
A pair of Bavarians each wearing a Zeiss HD5... Those are two pretty snazzy setups you've got there. Enjoy!

Thanks guys :) ..They both well see limited action for this year anyways :shock: ..Wildboar in 3 weeks from now, and some range time, I don't know about this fall, back surgery is lurking very soon :( ..my fall plans have been put on hold for now, heck, if I can't use them, atleast I well be able to look at them eh :grin:

Lou :wink:
Oldtrader3":2y8r8d4j said:
Use it for awhile Lou, I think that it will grow on you.

I'm sure it well Charlie :)

Thanks buddy! :wink:
I have no doubt you will appreciate the glass, Lou. It is a fine scope.
I suspect you'll update this again with high praise for the glass and reticle. Zeiss really got it right on this one, fixing the only problem with the original Rapid-Z reticles, the incomplete crosshairs. Having a solid reticle that is visible in low light makes this setup a game-taker, now, as opposed to a target puncher, as it was for some (depending on personal eyesight issues, I'm guessing) with the old, non-solid crosshairs. I'd like to pick up a Conquest HD5 sometime. Of course, right now I have one more scope than rifles, so it won't be any time soon. But a fella' can dream...
That's a very nice scope. We sure like the Z600 on my son's rifle and it works quickly and easily! You just have to get out with it and try the longer distances to see how close it is with the hash marks.

My only complaint is that you would sure think they could come up with better scope caps for them. :(
Wish I had a pair of bavarian's each with 4 liters in each hand :lol: my bad I was having a Frankfurt moment :mrgreen: good luck with the pig's and can ya shoot anything running or y'all have limits! In Arkansas it's running it's down no limits! But they cancelled a Turkey tag because of the pigs eating them! Only 1 tag in Arkansas unless it's been changed but do not think it has! We have a few here in NM but this place is tuff on wiled life as it's brutal hot going south on the Rio Grand but I hear they have a few south of us but no infestation like Arkansas or Tejas!