2011 style pistols.


Sep 30, 2004
After i started shooting steel challenge I wanted to step up in capacity and add optics to my competition guns. Being a 1911 fan the double stack 1911 or 2011s seemed the perfect fit.

The Springfield 4.25” prodigy was the gateway drug to 2011 style pistols. As an entry level double stack 1911 it is pretty hard to beat. There are a lot of parts, magazine, and holsters out there and it’s very similar with the staccato and higher end 2011 parts. After adding a green dot and comp it has proven an accurate and very fast shooting 9mm with very little muzzle rise.

Then I picked up a kimber kds9c for a gun I could carry as well as shoot in competition.

My next is arguably the weirdest of the 2011s. The Stealth Arms Platypus. The platypus is an all aluminum double stack 1911 that takes Glock magazines. It is a very nice shooting pistol. They really have done this well. They also have one of the best gun builder websites around.


Finally I picked up a Wilson combat edc x9. This is easily the nicest pistol I’ve ever owned. I have only put a hundred rounds thru it so far but it’s everything you’d expect in a Wilson combat.

What 2011 style pistols are you all shooting?
I haven't crossed over but have thought really hard. Buddy has a staccato that is fun to shoot, so almost got the Springfield when it came out just wasn't shooting enough and couldn't justify it. Year or so later a wilson showed up at the LGS and wow I fell in love with the feel but had just the 3" barrel, if it was the 4" i would have been in trouble. I had high hopes when kimber came out with their's as they are much more affordable than the wilson, but they just dont have the feel of the wilson, but it's still less than half the price...

Now that you have the Wilson what are your thoughts on the Kimber?
Now that you have the Wilson what are your thoughts on the Kimber?
The kimber is a very nice little carry pistol. At roughly Glock 19 size with a little better capacity it makes for an impressive packable defensive gun. If I never held a Wilson edc x9 I would probably been very satisfied with it. It shoots completely reliably with any ammo I’ve put thru it and shoots very well.
Comparing it to the Wilson is really like comparing a Camry to a Lesus RX. Dimensionally extremely similar, both do a similar thing but one is just nicer in every way ( in this analogy the Glock 19 is a Walmart shopping cart with a deranged homeless person making racecar noises).

Aside from the fit and smoothness the biggest difference is the height of red dot adapter plate. The kimber plate sits much higher than the Wilson. It sits quite a bit higher giving more of an impression that it is sitting on top of the slide rather then melted into the slide. I’ll try to get a comparison picture later. That and the grip is much more aggressively textured on the Wilson. The kimber has a more rounded grip, while it would feel much better against your skin it’s a little prone to slip SXS in your grip than the Wilson. I think I will probably take the RMR off of the kimber. With the very nice kimber night sights it will still be a very nice carry gun that I won’t worry about beating up. I’m notoriously hard on carry guns. Crawling around in the ground under trailers at work plays hell with carry guns. I’ve broken several Smith and wessen rear sight blades. Basically have to go fixed sights for carry.

My wife gave me no shortage of grief for getting the Wilson, claiming it was identical to the kimber. While at the range this morning she shot both. She grudgingly agreed it was just nicer in every way, but did not concede it was worth the price.

Also the porting in the Wilson does indeed make a marked decrease in muzzle flip.
Bear, my wife and son were both here. I read aloud some of your comments - particularly the Camry to Lexus to Shopping Cart comparison...

And your wife's refusal to concede that the Wilson was worth the price...

They were both laughing at your comments. You write well. Thanks for the info on the 2011's. Some of my friends have them, but I don't. Washington has a 10 round mag limit so... I'm happy with my 1911's for now. I'd not heard of the Stealth Arms Platypus - but it's up on the computer now. Really appreciate the info and let us know what you think of the Staccato please.

Regards, Guy
The staccato is everything you would expect it to be. Excellent trigger, smooth cycling, operates like a Swiss watch. It shoots extremely flat with very little muzzle rise under recoil. This is the first I’ve done any shooting with a light mounted to the gun. The extra weight combined with the comp made shot to shot recovery a breeze. I’ll be getting a holster set up for the light.

I took 4 pistols to the range today. My Wilson edc x9, Springfield prodigy 5”, 4.25” platypus, and the staccato XC. The XC was by far the smoothest shooting of the bunch. The platypus was the snappiest and also lightest. The prodigy being the most budget friendly of the bunch actually shoots very well.

If I could only have one of them I’d actually probably go with the platypus. It’s the fastest of the bunch, has a trigger that rivals the XC, and is the most fun to shoot.

I guess I’ve kind of gotten a bit of a 2011 addiction.

Guy, don’t think I’ve abandoned my single stack 1911s. I picked up a gorgeous Wilson combat professional elite 9 the other day too.
Being 1 of the few that DOESN'T get along with a 1911, what makes a 2011? Double stacks or something else to it?

I tried to like 1911's, but unfortunately my wrist and the grip angle said NO. So, that leaves sig, glock m/p, Walther, Springfield and magnum research for what i own and shoot. I did get hands on a gts that pointed well and might give a go with a usp (i think that's correct) or maybe a professional.
A 2011 is basically a double stack 1911. I think 2011 might be a trademarked name for double stack 1911 by STI/staccato. They maintain the 1911 grip angle and basic features. The most important being that magical 1911 trigger.

I pity those poor souls who haven’t experienced a really good 1911 trigger. It will really spoil you. The spongy, gritty, heavy triggers on striker fired combat Tupperware pistols are almost cringe worthy by comparison.

You’re in luck though. There are some really good cz based pistols that have that European grip angle and still have really nice triggers. The CZ shadow and Dan wessen DWX are good places to look.
I certainly don't have the experience you do with double-stack 1911's but went all in and got a Wilson Combat EDCX9 about two years ago and love it. It's the most I've ever spent on one gun and it's now one of my off-duty carry guns. I was looking hard at the Staccato until my FFL got an awesome deal on the Wilson and I haven't looked back since!


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I have always liked how the CZ's fit my XL hands...and yet their grip angles seems to accommodate smaller hands just as well. They definitely got their grip angle right.
My current CZ is the SP-01 Tactical in 40 S&W. Really like the rubberized grip panels, and features that this pistol has!
And find that the 40 isn't as flippy as my previous 75's and 85 in 9mm. (I also prefer the 180 gr ammo to the 165 gr loads)
I had the Kimber 1911 in 45, but didn't care for it as much, but felt it had to do with the curve at the bottom protion of the grip on the model I had. (DrMike has it now). I now have the Eclipse Custom II in 10mm.

Due to our new handgun laws here north of the border, I am no longer able to acquire new handguns, so am unlikely to get to try some of the 2011's being referenced here.
The Wilson Combat would be one I would like to try at some point as the reviews here seem very favourable (except for cost!). And I would like to try those better triggers.
It really is sweet. Craftsmanship is first rate, everything looks and feels topnotch and of course it shoots lights out. Yes, it's a lot of money. However, instead of buying two or three cheaper pistols, you can just save up and get one really good one. I ended up saving up and selling a pistol I didn't use very often. Was absolutely worth it.

On another note @Blkram , the CZ75's and all their iterations are great pistols too. I have a Shadow 2 that is a sweetheart to shoot and fits my hand so well.