2010 Hunting Pictures

No Dr. Mike this one was alone, I checked around but typically they are loners by that time of year.

One time I was driving between fields and saw 4 coyotes together in a field of ours across the river. I had the Win 70 30-06 with me at the time because that year we had LOP Cow Elk tags and during the evening I was hoping to get a cow after work. Well I parked behind a little hump that was along side the road and got my rifle and sneaked up to the crest of the little dirt mound which conveniently hid my truck from their view at 200 yards away. I know I broke a cardinal sniper rule skylining myself but it worked because my silhouette was hidden in the tall grass. Three shots for 3 coyotes; the fourth decided that anywhere had to be better than there for his buddies were all dead and he made it to cover before I could get him. That was some shooting on the farm now. :twisted:
Three for three is just all right. The population needed thinning if they were congregating like that.
Here is my son on our first duck hunting trip together! He loved it and is turning out to be a great shot. He's only ten in the photo and has to hunt under my tag and limit. We went on our first 3-D archery shoot last weekend. The best of times! :grin:
Looks as if you two had a really successful time. How did you prepare the ducks?
The favorite recipes in my house are duck jerky and sausage(with sage). My personal favorite is slow smoked and then glazed with orange sauce!
USMC89's 2010 Antelope

Taken with the 308 Baer at 502 yards. Scotty


6.5-284 - 220 yards

Thanks dr mike the mulie scored 159 5/8" it only had a 17 1/2" spread but good mass. The goat was 14 1/2 and 15". Had a good year.
Any time you can get field time, it is a good year. The game is bonus.
DrMike":1xk942ha said:
Any time you can get field time, it is a good year. The game is bonus.

Man, that is well said Mike. Right now, I am chomping at the bit to get out to Oregon! I really would like to smoke an elk, but I think being there with Brian and Bill is going to be something. I believe Brian will feel the Call of the West once he gets an elk down! Scotty
I work two jobs railroading and farming.I also roof the occasional house here and there in the summer. When fall rolls around and after harvest I just do the railroad thing. Being single with no kids leaves me shameful amounts of field time. And your right mike I enjoy every second of it.
Very nice speed goat and mulie!! Was the speed goat in Montana? I hunt the area north of Glendive with a good friend every year and I have never seen one that nice in that area. It is going to be hard to get tags in the eastern part of the state this year from what I have heard.
I think this is a 2010 picture, way up high in Wyoming. He was hit way far back the first time. 428 yards.

It is always a beautiful sight to watch elk feeding through a slash. The only thing more lovely, is seeing the animal drop to the shot. Great picture that captures something of the terrain, Bill.