.270 Winchester Sierra 120 pro hunter data?


Aug 19, 2012
I was wondering if any of you guys had ever used IMR 4064 with this bullet? I am looking for an "accuracy" load but my Sierra manual is long gone somewhere? I am not looking for super speed "yet", ha. I figure I'm going to do a "light" barrel break in with around 10rds with 4064 than work up a few loads with R17 ( I do have data for it) Thanks
...Sierra #5 shows 42.9 (2700fps)-48.3grs. (3000fps) w/ the 130gr., no 120gr. listed in the book, product guide, or web site...
My sierra manual no. 2 shows a 110 bullet. No 120. I have used 4064 with the 110 and have always been pleased with it.
There's a good reason it doesn't list the 120...the box says 110!!! Doh! I tell ya, this sinus infection along with the meds is making me do do headed, ha. I guess I had 120 on my mind and didn't even look at the end of the box, just "green box, ooh, 120, ooh, " ha. I will get my cases ready, but I'm gonna hold off charging them and such a bit...no sense taking any chances of missing a charge.

I called Sierra and they showed 48.2 with the 110 @ 3.275" Hey Hub- what did you use with the 110/4064 and was it the pro Hunter? Thanks guys.
Yes.I shot a whole box of pro hunters last summer. They shot real good.I used a lot of bullet jump as those bullets are too short to get them close to the lands. Did not matter. They shot good any way. Sierra manual two calls for 49.7 max. That's what I used. IMR- 4350 will shootem faster but the muzzle blast is also more noticeable. Recoil is mild with the 110,s. The cost is low compared to premium bullets. The pro hunters are a good buy and fun to shoot.
Thanks Pard, I was after a lower noise, milder load in case I ever get to teach my Grandson how to shoot. His mom is the "liberal" half of my twin daughters, ha, her sister is conservative and an Air Force vet, married to a Marine! That egg split right down the middle! :)