
As a young Assistant Guide in the late 1970's before I had seen hundreds of head of game shot with the 30/06, old Ward Gay who started guiding Alaska in the mid 1930's, was a mentor to a lot of us. He told me early on that the 06 works
Perfect on most of the Alaskan game. He also told me that he felt the 150gr bullet ( He shot mostly Peters) zeroed at 250 yds was about the best all around combo. He also warned me about folks wanting to use " heavy" bullets when a lighter bullet would actually work better. The only time he ever recommended a heavier bullet was if the hunt was for a Bull Moose (13/1500 lbs) or a Brown Bear , he would then advise clients that their 30/06 with 220 Peters ammo, would knock either right down if they would hit them where he told em to.
After guiding all over the state for nearly 30 years I found him to have offered " rock solid" advise. I could plainly see that 150gr bullets produced much higher percentage of instantly killed Sheep, Caribou,Deer, Black Bear than did the heavier bullets. But for some unknown reason the avg hunter has this idea that 150/350 lb animals require a " deep penetrating projectile. This is simply NOT true. Common Rem Corelokts work just fine... But
like Dale Carnegie said. " You can not change a mans mind by arguing with him".
I have found this is also good advise.
So they other day when a new client(that drew a Maine Moose Tag) asked me if he should
Pick up a "new 300RUM for his moose hunt" I advised him
Nope just bring your 30/06 and a box of 180gr Nosler Part
Or AccuBond ammo and rezero to 250 and your good to go!
He asked me what I prefer and I said a 35 Whelen and he then asked well should I get one of them???? Again I said " nope your all set" .
I will not be surprised if he blows $1500 on a gun he does NOT need, and brings some heavyjacketed bonded bullets that would be perfectly suited for hunting rino. :roll:
My dad is a life long 30/06 man. All through the late 60's and 70's he had a lot of bigger rifles. Mainly because he always dreamed of going to Africa, and used to read us kids those great books by the old hunters. He went through a 375 H&H that is still in the family. It's a 1956 Model 70 with the folding express sights and it's still in the family. A 458 Win mag, and also the only 8mm Rem mag in my area when they first came out in the late 80's I believe. He killed a bunch of deer with all of them but he only uses his old 06 now. We grew up hunting deer with hounds here in MS. He is a die hard believer in the 150 grain core lokt. Also though when we would be watching a big cut over and the dogs were running one toward us he would take out 2 or 3 core lokts and put in 55 grain accelerators in for the first few shots. He called them his magic bullets lol. I honestly can't count how many deer I've seen him kill with those accelerators, and I mean lighting kills at longer range. I've dug a few out of the opposite side of the hide that still weighed 30-35 grains. He only used them in open ground though, when in timber it was all 150 core lokts. He always told me to get an 06 and quite playing with that weird crap (as in all my 6.5's) lol.

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hodgeman":2g5hhocr said:
Although I haven't hunted with the '06 in quite a few years, my journals indicate I've shot more game with the .30'06 than all other cartridges...combined.

Truthfully, I could go back to one for all of my hunting without any reservations whatsoever. The .30-06 and the 180gr bullet at 2700fps is one of the most splendidly boring ballistic combinations ever devised by man.

A good grade '06, a 6x Leupold and a case of Federal Premiums loaded with the 180 Partition and a guy could basically quit thinking about guns and loads and bullets for the rest of his life....but what fun would that be.

I have received a few pm;s and unfortunately I am very busy right now so will answer everyone here.

The above post by Hodgeman sums up my feelings and experience with the 30-06 with a caveat ---his last sentence is the only place where hodgeman and I differ. My rifles are tools, nothing more, nothing less. I dont change loads, or "play" with different loads. If it is not broke I dont try to fix it. The 06/180 worked on everything from wolf to bear, as does the 348 now. I dont have neither the time nor the desire to "play" with different loads. I dont even want to think about it when in the field. I know what the rifle/load that is in my hand's will do regardless of which animal shows up. My rifle is like my knife, canoe, dog sled, etc---I have it to perform a function in my daily life and if it does that I am good to go.

I am so boring I have not even stayed at a Holiday Inn
Thankful Otter---his last sentence is the only place where hodgeman and I differ. My rifles are tools said:
That's a great point. To me it's the difference between being a shooter interested in guns and a hunter interested in hunting. I'm perhaps unfortunate to be both.

While I love messing around with guns and scopes and loads- very little of that ever finds its way into hunting camp. I'm almost superstitious about that kind of stuff- the overwhelming bulk of 30 years of hunting has been done with just three rifles. For the last 11 years I've only shot two big game animals with something that wasn't my much loved .300- both of them rifles carried by my son that I borrowed for the occasion when the shot was too far for his ability.

Sometimes I feel silly developing loads or setting up rifles that I know I'm terribly unlikely to ever carry in the field. Although I suspect I'm not alone in that feeling around here.
Dr mike, Hodgeman, since your the only two who responded to Cheyenne's post I will ask you but by all means if anyone here has an opinion, please add your thoughts

I wonder if, in general, it is a girl thing. I know in Cheyenne;s case she is so busy with so many things I think in all honesty she just doesn't have any time. But, I know my shooting is zeroing in the rifle I will use and listening to my father. I am definitely just a hunter. From reading April's posts I believe she was just a hunter. I know my mum is just a hunter, she doesn't even carry her own rifle for crying out load.

How about the women in you guys life, mothers, wives, girlfriends, daughters, granddaughters, or even just family female friends--do they enjoy being in the man cave, reloading and working on the rifles or do they mostly just go to the range and hunt ?

Best Regards


BTW, Hodgeman and Dr Mike, I also think where you guys, plus Gil, Bear 78 and others live, also allows you more time hunting, your day job may not allow it, but the opportunity to hunt something is there for you more often than say members in New York, Pa, Illinois, Calif, etc.
Africa Huntress":50szylsr said:
Dr mike, Hodgeman, since your the only two who responded to Cheyenne's post I will ask you but by all means if anyone here has an opinion, please add your thoughts

I wonder if, in general, it is a girl thing. .

My wife just hunts... if the headstamp on the ammo matches the roll mark on the barrel she's good to go as far as she is concerned. She knows quite a bit about rifles, but it's not her thing...she says that's why she has me... her "hunting caddy" to pick the right club. LOL.

Although just like opening jars when I'm out of town...I suspect if I weren't around she'd manage somehow. :?

I've actually met far more ladies who hunt than ladies who are straight up gun nuts. The one really dyed in the wool gun nut I know who also is a lady... is a shotgunner. She's far more knowledgable than I am about scatterguns and is crazy about upland dogs, but i doubt she even owns a centerfire rifle.

One lady guide I know is a pretty savvy rifle nut, but not the level that most men tend to be.
I wished my Wife showed a intrest in hunting and shooting. She grew up with a Father who hunted a lot but unfortunately he was not a mentor to his Daughters or Sons as none hunt.
My Wife is starting to say maybe she should get her Concealed Carry Permit. I will admit I am a little on the fence about this. I am concerned about her safety and will she truly take the time to learn ? I just don't know.
Cheyenne is correct a cup and core bullet is all that is needed for a 30-06 with a 180 gr bullet.
I enjoy reloading almost as much as shooting, I find it relaxing to be in my Man Cave loading Shotgun shells, Rifle and Handgun.
Some days I do wish I would of moved West when I was younger and Married someone like Cheyenne or Jamila so I could share the Outdoors with, but the Pheasant is what has held me in Iowa.
I still hunt Pheasants with my Father 82 my Brother and my Son. We have always hunted together even my Grandfather till his passing at a young 94 and who was born in 1899. He was the only one I knew who had hunted Waterfowl with live ducks for decoys.
As for a 30-06 I have reloaded it for my Father, but I was and am a big fan of Bob Hagel and he was a Magmun type of guy and I guess I am to even though I have never really needed it. So no you won't see me in the field with a 30-06 nothing wrong with it. It is just not my style. I am just glad we all don't like the same thing or it would be a boring world. Good Hunting.
My wife's view is hunting is "yucky" or some such. She does understand my love for it and goes out of her way to do her part so that I can hunt. While I wish we shared that interest I am grateful she does not hinder my affair with it.

Only speculation but I really believe that Cheyenne is 100% honest about not caring or having the time to fool around with loads. I probably would too if I had to hunt to survive. Find out what works and stick with it. That is the way I am with other areas of my life where I am busy. Makes sense to me.
c. schutte":3osglp3l said:
My wife's view is hunting is "yucky" or some such. She does understand my love for it and goes out of her way to do her part so that I can hunt. While I wish we shared that interest I am grateful she does not hinder my affair with it.

Only speculation but I really believe that Cheyenne is 100% honest about not caring or having the time to fool around with loads. I probably would too if I had to hunt to survive. Find out what works and stick with it. That is the way I am with other areas of my life where I am busy. Makes sense to me.

Yup. My wife only shoots a couple of times a year, normally her .38 revolver, and some shots from a .22 as well.

Hunting? She'll eat what I kill, clean, wrap and cook... And has no problem with me taking off on hunting trips, but no, she has never hunted and has NO interest in doing so.

Cheyenne - did you know you're such a special person? You are.

Well, I guess I should chime in here. Mr. Schutte's closet love for the 30-06 is not a secret....it's known, whether he'll admit it or not is irrelevant. ;)

Yes, I have had a lot of 30-06's.....if you count my US military stuff, I currently own 6 but I've been as high as 9. I had two 1917's and sold the less desirable one to get my 300WSM M70 EW. I had 2 Garands and traded the less desirable one toward a pre64 M70 in 270. Jack would be proud.

As I think back over about 90 whitetails that I've brought home, of the ones I've killed with a rifle, I'd bet a solid 1/2 or better were killed with the 30-06. A lot were killed with either my dad's first rifle, a sporter M1917, or his pushfeed M70 "Winlite" in 30-06. Most were with a 150gr Hornady Interlock over 51.5gr IMR4064. It wasn't until about 10 years ago or so that I started exploring the "rest of the world" so to speak as far as rifles go.

My current 30-06 rigged to hunt is a pre64. I have it shooting a 165gr Partition at a meek and mild 2700 fps. This kills deer with authority at PA hunting ranges (0-200). If I want more oomph, I take out the 300WSM or 300H&H. I could screw around with the load in that 30-06, but I don't really want to. It's dead-nuts reliable, holds MOA to 300 yards, and just is fun to shoot.

I need to revisit Dad's old 1917. I've been thinking of getting some 200gr PT's for it...just 'cuz. It's got an 18.5" barrel, the length chosen by his mentor, his uncle. The reasons were varied. Some where even legal. Regardless, it's got a Timney trigger from the 50's, the arsenal barrel cut short and recrowned, and has worn several scopes, but is back under its first one, a Weaver K4.

I've thought a lot about putting a new scope on my guide gun, and moving the 1.5-5 from that one to the 1917. Or something else, who knows.

And to answer a point above...yes, I do have bayonets for a lot of my military rifles. Don't ask me where they are. I packed them "safe" when we moved 2 years ago. I haven't seen them since. There in my house. Somewhere.
Guy, thank you and your post comes at a good time for me. thank you!

First I was ask to explain the point I made on a different thread and so I did. I didn't think I was "rude" or "put anybody in their place" or " tried to make anyone feel inferior". I am using those three phrases, as someone took the time to call Canada from the States and leave that message with someone that they thought was my superior.

First, let me say, I did not intend do ANYTHING except to explain my position in regards to rifles, hunting and reloading. I am very busy. After we hunt for ourselves and others we also use every part of the animal that is usable for something, even if it just a necklace for Scotty's daughter. Or moccasins, for daughters of at least 5 members here--plus clothes for ourselves and our elders. Dogs to be feed, and trained. Equipment, not rifles, to be maintained and repaired. I am in the process of making a new canoe. trap lines to maintain, plus working a job.

Secondly, I actually have tremendous respect for Dr Mike, Gil, Guy, Hodgeman, Gerry, Charles, Tom, Scotty, Earle, Rodger, Allen, Jim, Dan and at least ten or twelve others whose names are escaping at this moment. People ;like Dewey and Nathan just literally blow me away with their rifle building ability, especially after my 458 lott build failure. Many here like Aleena, April, Dr Mike, Gil, Earle, etc etc etc have forgotten more than I know about hunting, so whoever you are if you dont think I know that, your sadly mistaken.

Thirdly and please Dr Mike and Dan forgive me. but right now I would like to use Aleena's favorite saying, but I wont. But I will go out and take a run with some of my dogs and I am sure I will feel better, but god help any animal that tries to attack me during my run lol
I could count on one hand (with most of the fingers chopped off ... okay, all the fingers chopped off) the number of those from the distaff side of life who enjoyed working up a load. My wife gracious tolerates my man cave (better that than a grumpy old husband) and she does enjoy the game I bring home, especially when I do the cooking. She would gladly hunt with me if she didn't have to be cold, dirty or see blood. I do see more and more ladies in the field, and welcome their presence. They will ensure that the sport continues for generations to come in spite of the metrosexuals, granola crunchers and leaf lickers. The women I know who happen to hunt are hunters, focused on the hunt. I rejoice when my granddaughters go afield with me, and I'll do all I can to ensure that their time with me is enjoyable. I don't want them to have negative memories of the time spent in the field.

Appreciate your candid presentation of what you are experiencing from some ignorant/rude individual associated with this forum, Cheyenne. Such a person should be ashamed, but that would require the ability to think or to have humility. It is crass for some individual to be so petty as to send an anonymous Email or letter or make a phone call without giving a name. Pity that such individuals want only to lash out and hurt someone because of their sex. Must have some serious psychological/emotional deficits.
Hi Cheyenne and Jamila (and others)

My darling wife carries and target shoots. She prefers wheel guns. I don't recall ever talking her into shooting any of my rifles or shotguns.

She won't hunt. For her, it gets emotional and personal. She couldn't watch an animal die. I think she's the Black sheep in her dads' family were they all have kills on deer and bear(including the younger sister).

On the plus side, she will help carry it out, process it, cook it,eat it everything else.

I've even tried to back her into it with a bow and breaking clays (sporting clays...its like a crazy version of skeet in the woods...I refer to it as golf in the woods with guns....

I'm shooting sporting clays today with my brother from Dallas.

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Cheyenne thank you for your respect. The ignorant person who continues to harass you and the other Ladies here really needs to get another life and I'm glad I don't know who it is since I would probably let my dark side out and would get myself into trouble.
Thanks for protecting me and others here who wants to get at this person.
Cheyenne, I, for one, have the utmost respect for you. I am not man enough to do what you do or live how you live.
I would guess that those who attempt to silence you could not keep up with you for ten minutes.
Okay, back to the original question....

What's a 30-06 good for when you could shoot a 270 and really be happy? :mrgreen:
SJB358":1r6uxnb8 said:
Okay, back to the original question....

What's a 30-06 good for when you could shoot a 270 and really be happy? :mrgreen:

Sputter, Sputter, fume, and blow coffee all over my keyboard! :shock:

Okay Jarhead, ya got me with that one! :mrgreen:
