
Guy Miner":1474mos3 said:
SJB358":1474mos3 said:
Okay, back to the original question....

What's a 30-06 good for when you could shoot a 270 and really be happy? :mrgreen:

Sputter, Sputter, fume, and blow coffee all over my keyboard! :shock:

Okay Jarhead, ya got me with that one! :mrgreen:


I figured I'd at least draw you from cover.. :mrgreen:
SJB358":8jygc8dp said:
Okay, back to the original question....

What's a 30-06 good for when you could shoot a 270 and really be happy? :mrgreen:

You mean a .27 Whelen?

hodgeman":seez1o2m said:
SJB358":seez1o2m said:
Okay, back to the original question....

What's a 30-06 good for when you could shoot a 270 and really be happy? :mrgreen:

You mean a .27 Whelen?


Yes, my apologies good buddy.. That is exactly what I meant!
Cheyenne, before your dilemma is sweep completely under the rug, I want you to know that along with Dr Mike, Rodger, and John I am there for you if you need me in any way whatsoever.

The 30-06 was the end all, be all, for 19 years and is still popular with the follow the crowd group. Other, more sophisticated hunters, started using something else in 1925 and have been doing so ever since.
Europe":2w1woq5d said:
Cheyenne, before your dilemma is sweep completely under the rug, I want you to know that along with Dr Mike, Rodger, and John I am there for you if you need me in any way whatsoever.

The 30-06 was the end all, be all, for 19 years and is still popular with the follow the crowd group. Other, more sophisticated hunters, started using something else in 1925 and have been doing so ever since.
Sweep it under the Rug? Never! How about a bus or a train or maybe a truck :roll: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen:

1925 :? :?: I didn't realize you were that old April :shock: :roll: :lol: :lol:

Let's see now I have killed more deer with my 30-06s( .30 Whelen ) than any other caliber that I own and have killed them with my 257 Roberts, 35 Whelen/AI and 12ga slug gun.
If I could only have one I would have to pick my 30-06( .30 Whelen ) even though I like my 35 Whelen/AI very much and it would almost be a toss up between them and the 30-06 would win. :mrgreen:
Europe":319k1xkt said:
Cheyenne, before your dilemma is sweep completely under the rug, I want you to know that along with Dr Mike, Rodger, and John I am there for you if you need me in any way whatsoever.

Well said and I'll add on to that list.

I certainly don't know the details of the situation, but I know enough that I'd hate to think someone is so small minded that they have nothing better to do than bedevil someone on a forum that they've never met.

Seems like an utter waste of the precious little time we have on this mortal coil.
hodgeman":1ot355y7 said:
Europe":1ot355y7 said:
Cheyenne, before your dilemma is sweep completely under the rug, I want you to know that along with Dr Mike, Rodger, and John I am there for you if you need me in any way whatsoever.

Well said and I'll add on to that list.

I certainly don't know the details of the situation, but I know enough that I'd hate to think someone is so small minded that they have nothing better to do than bedevil someone on a forum that they've never met.

Seems like an utter waste of the precious little time we have on this mortal coil.

I couldn't agree more ! I was amazed when I got all the details about the person (s) who were responsible for harassing the ladies on the Cabela's forum before it shut down, it was nuts!!!!

Rodger, actually Dr Mike and I bought the first two 300 H & H.s off the line, but at my age I can't remember if I have number 1 or 2

Scotty, isn't your favorite actually the 338 win or did the 35 whelen nose it out ?
Sigh..... I'm sure there's a reason we're having the "let's compare everything to the 30-06 again and see if anything changed" conversation.... but I'm not sure what it is? ;)

Last time I tallied it up, I'd killed deer with something like 10-12 rifle chamberings. The 30-06 has a comfortable lead for volume, though. Very comfortable. It's been a solid 4 or 5 years since I've killed one with the 06, too.

Cheyenne, I'm surprised there are still folks around who want to give someone a hard time for....well, who knows what reason. Like April, the Cabela's stuff really surprised me, and the fact that those individuals maintained their behavior against someone we know out west for several years after the forum itself went away. That's just really bizarre and scary.

Regardless, hopefully the person/people involved this time find other more productive uses of their time and energy.
Tom, sir. My mum told me that an entire hunt had to be cancelled because of people like the ones now hassling Cheyenne. And that besides the gentlemen you speak of who was harassed, they also contacted employers of another gentleman, they did not like and tried to create problems for him.

I haven't received anything recently, but they would ask me "how does it feel to have a rich mother ?" and "what is is like for a black person to live in a white mans world?" and sometimes I would respond---I like it and I like it, but usually I just deleted the comments. Since my mother and father are white and I am adopted, the only time I got upset is when they started saying derogatory thing's about my mum.

But my heart goes out to Cheyenne and I wish her all the best. I was sorry to see Brooke leave, but I think that was her father's decision.

Anyway, as Scotty says back to the question at hand. Is the 300 H & H the finest caliber ever invented ? I vote yes!

Best Regards


p.s.----I knew Dr Mike and April were old but-----wow, just wow HA
Careful, young lady; I'm very sensitive about my age, and crotchety in addition to being of an advanced age.
Jamila, you are correct on all points. That hunt was going to be my first elk hunt. It was 4 years ago that it was going to be held, I think. 4 or 5 years ago, something like that.

The people who caused that have hopefully found a better path in life.

I vote a thumbs up on the 300 Magnum....
I recall well the events of what happened back then. This is not the place for all that so I'll only say that several good folks were harassed for race, gender, religion and just not sucking up enough to suit the culprit. Years have passed and one thing is for sure, all the folks that were targets have moved on and are doing well, extremely well while the malcontent is still sitting in a pool of his own misery. He has to reach way up to try and grab a leg of those he tries to torment and it won't be long before the Cheyenne's, Jamila's and others are so high on the ladder of success that his reach won't be enough and they won't care or even remember who he was. Cream rises to the top and a stool sinks to the bottom.
c. schutte":2e4punv3 said:
I recall well the events of what happened back then. This is not the place for all that for sure so I'll only say that several good folks were harassed for race, gender, religion and just not sucking up enough to suit the culprit. Years have passed and one thing is for sure, all the folks that were targets have moved on and are doing well, extremely well while the malcontent is still sitting in a pool of his own misery. He has to reach way up to try and grab a leg of those he tries to torment and it won't be long before the Cheyenne's, Jamila's and others are so high on the ladder of success that his reach won't be enough and they won't care or even remember who he was. Cream rises to the top and a stool sinks to the bottom.

Very well said Charles. That is a very well written and accurate post.

I noticed you also mentioned religion. I am surprised that you remember the hard time they gave me for being Jewish, but I thank you for remembering and your support. I was never harassed as much as the ladies were however and I still will never understand the necessity in trying to destroy the life of your friend in the west. Didn't one of the ladies, perhaps Aleena or April, get a cease and desist order or restraining order or something ? I know someone had decided enough was enough.

Anyway, back to the 30-06, or 300 H & H. I have a 300 Weatherby, is that close enough ?. Actually I do have an old 30-06 but it never hunts.
Europe":z76jzalt said:
Scotty, isn't your favorite actually the 338 win or did the 35 whelen nose it out ?

Still a big fan of both.. guilty as charged.

Cheyenne, ignore the nerds. They won't ever get anywhere if they aren't given traction. Do what's right and they don't have a leg to stand on.
hunternyny":343hicf1 said:
c. schutte":343hicf1 said:
I recall well the events of what happened back then. This is not the place for all that for sure so I'll only say that several good folks were harassed for race, gender, religion and just not sucking up enough to suit the culprit. Years have passed and one thing is for sure, all the folks that were targets have moved on and are doing well, extremely well while the malcontent is still sitting in a pool of his own misery. He has to reach way up to try and grab a leg of those he tries to torment and it won't be long before the Cheyenne's, Jamila's and others are so high on the ladder of success that his reach won't be enough and they won't care or even remember who he was. Cream rises to the top and a stool sinks to the bottom.

Very well said Charles. That is a very well written and accurate post.

I noticed you also mentioned religion. I am surprised that you remember the hard time they gave me for being Jewish, but I thank you for remembering and your support. I was never harassed as much as the ladies were however and I still will never understand the necessity in trying to destroy the life of your friend in the west. Didn't one of the ladies, perhaps Aleena or April, get a cease and desist order or restraining order or something ? I know someone had decided enough was enough.

Anyway, back to the 30-06, or 300 H & H. I have a 300 Weatherby, is that close enough ?. Actually I do have an old 30-06 but it never hunts.

The only time race, sex or religion would enter into a discussion is if someone attempted to use those characteristics as a cudgel or to impose a guilt-trip on another. Shooters and hunters are either shooters or hunters (or want to become such) or they are not.
hunternyny":ocet1v2r said:
c. schutte":ocet1v2r said:
I recall well the events of what happened back then. This is not the place for all that for sure so I'll only say that several good folks were harassed for race, gender, religion and just not sucking up enough to suit the culprit. Years have passed and one thing is for sure, all the folks that were targets have moved on and are doing well, extremely well while the malcontent is still sitting in a pool of his own misery. He has to reach way up to try and grab a leg of those he tries to torment and it won't be long before the Cheyenne's, Jamila's and others are so high on the ladder of success that his reach won't be enough and they won't care or even remember who he was. Cream rises to the top and a stool sinks to the bottom.

Very well said Charles. That is a very well written and accurate post.

I noticed you also mentioned religion. I am surprised that you remember the hard time they gave me for being Jewish, but I thank you for remembering and your support. I was never harassed as much as the ladies were however and I still will never understand the necessity in trying to destroy the life of your friend in the west. Didn't one of the ladies, perhaps Aleena or April, get a cease and desist order or restraining order or something ? I know someone had decided enough was enough.

Anyway, back to the 30-06, or 300 H & H. I have a 300 Weatherby, is that close enough ?. Actually I do have an old 30-06 but it never hunts.

I remembered, "he" left no stone unturned when it came to harassment.

And it would be hard to argue against the 300 H&H as the best cartridge. I could but, it would be splitting hairs.

I also think highly of the 35 whelen. Don't own one but it was where I was headed when planning on "fixing" that 30-06........................ 8) Decided on a 9.3x64 instead. It's got to be the same thing as the 35 whelen, just a little bigger and badder.
I do like the Whelen, and I am ecstatic with the 9.3X64 Brenneke. There is nothing wrong with the 30-06 except there are too many other cartridges vying for my attention. It is still a great cartridge. I confess that I do not own a 300 H&H. If Jamila would point me toward a nice Model 70 chambered in that cartridge, perhaps I would rectify this oversight. :mrgreen:
I have nothing against the 300 H&H and once owned a 300Bee but I have always wondered why the 308 Norma never took off.
I was considering having the 300Bee converted to the 308 Norma before I sold it.
truck driver":1utdumeu said:
I have nothing against the 300 H&H and once owned a 300Bee but I have always wondered why the 308 Norma never took off.
I was considering having the 300Bee converted to the 308 Norma before I sold it.

The 300 Win was more readily available in a larger number of rifles at the time. The decision was economic, at least in North America; and NA is the big dog in commercial firearms.