7mm Remington Magnum & 140 gr Nosler Accubond

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006

Didn't mess too much with this combo. I think it would be great, 8133, the 140 AccuBond, but something is drawing me back to the good old 160 grain Nosler Partition instead. It'll be a couple of hundred fps slower, but should still be a fine combination.

Maybe I'll load and hunt with the 140's some other year. :) I don't have many 140's, but do have plenty of 160 gr Noslers and Sierras.

Looks like a photo from a Nosler ad :grin: Nice photo with the light behind the loaded round.
IMR8133 is a really good powder. It has given me stellar results in the 338RUM. I don't think it will disappoint in the 7mm Rem Mag.
The 140 gr AB at 3200 fps is a potent flat liner load that will handle anything in NA.
I like that picture too. Looks like "White Lighting"!

I would imagine that the 140 gr AccuBond would be a great option for about any game with the 7RM. Excellent photo.
Great picture and man I wished I could even sniff 8133. Supposed to be a cranker, like Retumbo.
Should be a great load on game!

I know my 280 Rem likes it, at its respective lower velocity. The spike elk it took made no complaints!

And the performance of the 160gr AB in my 7MM STW has proven to be very accurate (1" groups @ 300 yards) and reliable on big game @ 3222 fps over the years. Numerous animals harvested cleanly with it over the years.
Blkram":2rs1ifw5 said:
And the performance of the 160gr AB in my 7MM STW has proven to be very accurate (1" groups @ 300 yards) and reliable on big game @ 3222 fps over the years. Numerous animals harvested cleanly with it over the years.

Your 7mm STW is getting the same velocity with a 160 grain bullet, that I'm getting with a 140 grain bullet from the 7mm Remington Magnum. Sounds about right!

This Ruger Number One has been very accurate. I've only shot a few of these, but so far, so good.

Last fall the 160 gr Sierras printed a 3-shot group at 1.5" at 300 yards. I took that load hunting! :) It did well.

These are bullets I considered before I tried the 160's... and now I'm trying them again. So far, so good, but I'll have a better range report in a while. Hovering around 1 MOA, but mostly I was just trying them to see what IMR 8133 would do for them re velocity. Hadn't used it before. Couldn't find RL-22 anywhere locally, but some IMR 8133 showed up and I am trying it for the first time. Kind of a slow process, I'm into several other higher priority projects right now. But... I'll get back out and try to get some decent groups. :)

I'm looking to try the Endurons this year to see how they do, I hear they do real well. Guy, what are your charges for that 8133 and the 140 AccuBond? It's burn rate is close to Retumbo that I used with the 160 AccuBond in the 7 Mag years ago.
hi i reload my 7mm rem mag with 162amax bullet and reloader 25 powder 69.0gr for 3440fps reloading the only way to go to get the best from any calibre ..
sauer 6568":1bsffbt3 said:
hi i reload my 7mm rem mag with 162amax bullet and reloader 25 powder 69.0gr for 3440fps reloading the only way to go to get the best from any calibre ..

Hello, are you sure its 3440 fps? :shock: Maybe you meant 3040 fps hopefully.
The 140 grain AccuBond seems a bit light for anything much larger than a deer. My friends and I have been using the 160 gain AccuBond on everything for years. We have taken about 25 moose with it. It also works great on deer and elk. We don't like resighting between seasons, especially when elk season ends, and deer season reopens three days later. For just deer size animals, the 140 grain should be great, but the Ballistic Tip might be a better choice. Maybe on sheep I would prefer the AccuBond. On larger animals, I want something that I can count on to penetrate deeper. I can't always count on a broadside shot.

We have used 65.0 grains of RL22 in our 7mms for years, but switched to the same load of RL23 since it came out. It gives about 3000 FPS depending on the rifle.
Yup, around 65 grains of Reloader 22 and the 160 grain bullet of choice has been a fine load for the 7mm Remington Magnum for a long time. :)
