A few videos for your enjoyment


Sep 15, 2005
Some videos before WY-SHOT...Me shooting Glenn's new 6.5-284 XP-100 at 1296.
Then some pd LR videos from the last day.
We had really strong winds Monday and Tuesday, and even got rained out late Monday afternoon.
Biggest group I have ever had - 31 shooters.
Lot of fun, but I was pretty wiped out after it was over.

Tom Jacobs with a 13" 6GT: pd at 786 yards

Mark with a 1038 yard pd: 6 Creed

Shane with a 1121 yard pd, center-grip 300 PRC. I did not know that Tom was recording us. Shane's wife had been spotting, but was having trouble with something, so I came over to help (Hence the leaning over). I made a correction call (1.5 MOA) because of the wind changing...I don't think you can hear that in the video.

I took a good friend and retired deputy sheriff who has been through the ringer with chemo and surgery. Shooting yesterday. We started at the SO's range, shooting steel on a plate rack with a couple of Glocks, and then headed out to Mac's Gunworks for some distance with some specialty pistols. We had gusty switching quartering tailwinds (I hate that wind condition). The main wind was from the SW, and it even went full value from the west some. We were basically shooting north. He shot my 22 GT rear grip some. Then pulled out my 15" "Speedy Gonzalez" rear grip XP-100 in 6 Creedmoor, shooting factory Berger ammunition with the 105 Hybrid. We had just finished at 500 and Derrick wanted to jump 250 yards more to 750 yards. I gave the elevation MOA for that distance, and changed it some, then the hard part...what to do for wind?
It was my day to look good, and I got it right (I didn't get it right every time yesterday).