A venture

Great job Wyo. the first one is always a confidence builder and the more you do the easier it gets. Though mine was use able they didn't look as good as yours and Jim's. I don't think I used enough hardener causing the devcon to stay where I put it. I could always add more epoxy but don't see where it would help anything since the barrel is supported with what I have.
Another great job Wyo. You and TD's recent work encouraged me to glass just the lug on two of my rifles. Did one yesterday and I am happy with it. Learned a lot and glad I just did the lug as my turtle wax release agent wasn't the best. But it came apart and is a perfect snug fit. Thanks for posting all the pics. Bret
Kiwi neutral is good stuff for a release. Believe it or not, Hornady One Shot case lube spray works well also.

Nicely done Wyo!
Thanks everyone! I hope it pops up in a search and helps if anyone ever decides to do a T/C...

Bret, post some pics! The first one I tried to do in a SPS stock, I used Hornady one shot. Don't think I did right though.

I should have gotten the limbsaver recoil pad from Boyd's. Don't know what I was thinking trying to go cheap.

I'm waiting for the ebony to dry before I can proceed with anything else. Hopefully the Wyoming climate will speed up the process.
Probably the only other release agent I would use is Johnson paste floor wax which I've read works good also.
That's what I used. I put on 4 coats wiped on and off on the venture, and two coats on the 700, leaving the second on without wiping it off.

Thanks Dhw! Looks like a post snuck in there while I was typing mine earlier.
Thanks guys. Just did the lug on my M70 and BC stock. There's a lot more pressure when it's one of your nicer guns. I wasn't too stressed or worried when I did the Remington 783.

I'll know tomorrow. I used neutral shoe polish this time. Seemed to coat better and be slicker. Did 3 coats. Thanks again. BN
[emoji848][emoji848][emoji848]. I was a little disappointed over the inaugural grouping on the 22-250. Handloads that were .5" @ 100 to this mess:


I decided to shoot some factory loads that shot just under 1" before the bedding job to see if it was a bad bedding job or I messed something else up...


Looks like I'll be pulling the rest of the handloads and starting over.

May have changed the harmonics slightly bedding the chamber. No biggie. You should be able to dial some loads right in, especially with the results the factory stuff showed.
Looked at my previous QL's and chrono data for the old load of 38.1gr R17 and am certainly in between nodes at the temperature (I assume) everything was today. These were the last 7 of a 38.1gr batch- the new batch (already tested) is 39.6gr. I forgot to bring that box to the range but now I have an excuse to go back.

39.6 was tested at 60 degrees, and shot pretty well- minute of prairie dog or coyote for sure. It chronographs on the .930 obt node. I really hope I do not have to pull 93 cartridges...
Worse comes to worse you could free float the chamber area. You could always put the epoxy back if it doesn't work.
Well shoot. A few weeks ago I shot the rest of my old .260 loads and loaded a few to get chrono data and start load development. Wasn't impressed with R17 sensitivity so I changed to H4350. I was on a node, but the groups didn't say so. Went back to the house and loaded some more and checked the run out. Just rolled them on the table, and the wobble was terrible! Even with seat, twist, seat twist seat. Yikes!!! Ordered up a concentricity gauge and after a few days I measured and got 005-.007. I corrected them to be .001-.003. Also took my dies apart and cleaned them for the next go around...

This morning showed promise with the concentric rounds... Except shot #5, which I don't know what happened. 3" to the right. I think rifle set off half way into my blink... Cold clean 1" off from the group of three stretching 1". @ 200...


22-250 is ok- I forgot I loaded for colder weather (but not as cold as I tried earlier) and just 1.5" at 200 at 40*. After this batch, it too will be getting new powder. Good for yotes!
Nope. Just nope with the 129's. Switched to 140 accubonds and am back in the game.

I also checked the deflection of the action and am .001 at 40 in/lbs for the front screw, .000 for the rear on the .260. The 22-250 was .007 at the front screw and .005 at the back. There was a high spot between the screws that was causing a deflection. I sanded some spots down (mainly a ridge that formed behind the recoil lug) and the deflection disappeared. .001 at the front, .0005 at the rear.

10 coats of tru-oil applied. It's starting to look decent and only take two drops to cover the whole stock. Soon... It'll see some range action.
This is promising to be a beautiful rifle. You're inspiring many to tackle the hard tasks. Good job.