Any one tried 165 BT's for deer?


Oct 10, 2004
I am still messing around with the 308. It shoots several bullets well, one being the 165 BT. Now I have seen mighty large holes in antelope with 150 BT's out of 30-06 and 7mm. But wondered if 165 s out of a 308 could be the bullet. This is at distances of 30 yds to 100 yds on deer. And yes, if I get a quartering towards shot the trigger is goin to get pulled putting the bullet right smack thru the shoulder. Oh yeh, I load em to book max or maybe a smidge more.

I think the 165 gr. ballistic tip would be an ideal bullet for deer in PA. even though it really shines as a long range bullet. When I hunt in PA., it is on State Game Land, so there are quite a lot of other hunters. When I shoot a deer, I want it to drop right then and there so that it doesn't run by another hunter who might also shoot it. A bullet like the ballistic tip dumps so much of it's energy into the deer, it often is a bang-flop. With a 165 gr. bullet you'll get good penetration too.

I have used the 140 gr BT in my 280 Rem at ranges of 10 yds to 300 yds on WT deer and Caribou. Only recovered 1 bullet from a WT doe at 150 yds which was quarting towards me. Tbe bullet was under the hide at the back of the rib cage on the off side. Exit wounds were the size of a quarter.
The Caribou bulls were shot at 250 yds, quarting towards me. The exit wounds were the size of a quarter on the off side ribs.

7mm 140 gr BT SD .248 and BC of .485
.308 165 gr BT SD .248 and BC of .475

You should see similar results to what I have experienced with the 280 Rem and the 140 gr BT.

I shoot the 165 in a 300 Win Mag and it drops deer like a rock. However, I don't load them real hot, because I don't want the bullet to blow up if it hits good solid bone, I want energy inside the deer after penetration. 2700 fps 24" from the muzzle is what works for me.
I've seen Noslers 165 gr Ballistic tips perform very, very well on deer. I think you'll like 'em! Regards, Guy
I agree completely with Devildawg. Keep the velocity down a bit and the BT will perform very well. I've seen HIGH velocity BT's hit deer and watched then get up and run away and watched them take multiple hits before staying down. Surface wounding is horrific.
i have killed several deer with the 165gr balistic tip and one elk. in a 30-06 they work great
FYI the 165gr is the ideal weight bullet for all 30-06 rifles so sayeth several WW2 vets I met years ago who hunted all over the western USA.I believed them and the most accurate bullet I've ever loaded is the Solid Base put 5 in very tight group from my 06 Sako .

When we were shooing 308's, ended up with the CT Ballistic Silvertip 168 grain that out performed the 165 grain. :lol: Never really liked the 150 grain in the 308.

45.5 grains of Reloader 15 and Federal GM Primers, Winchester case. Velocity was 2680 from a 22 inch barrel. I had no problems with pressure, but surely didn't need to push it any further. Great accuracy out of any .308 that I shot it from. My Uncle shot a 12 PT, 238 Lb Buck that scored 175 & 5/8s @ 330 yards. Needless to say, he will not shoot any other shell.

Now you have my Deer load for a .308 Winchester.

Still like the 7mm-08 & 280 Ackley!
I have been using 30 cal 165 gr BTips since 1990 in my 30-06.
Have shot deer from 18 to 250 yards.....97% of them have dropped in their tracks dead!
And if they do not drop right away, they don't go far, cause the blood just pours out.
Alot of hunters bad mouth the B Tips,.....well, their just full of poop.
Well Chuckslayer, I guess I didn't see what I thought I saw. I've been hunting for 45 plus years and been handloading for 26 of those years and I guess my old eyes aren't what they used to be. But you will notice that Nosler said do NOT push Ballistic Tips too fast. There's a reason behind their wisdom. I think other hunters in this forum have seen what I have seen when you push bullets beyond their capabilities.
in .308 the the 165 gr, ballistic tips work great on deer, last year I shot a good sized doe @ 300 yards with my Weatherby 300 Mag, And dropped her on the spot, as for a 165 gr bullet being pushed too fast, I cant say either way. Weatherby states in thier ballistic information that their factory loaded 165 BT's are doing 2730fps @ 300 yards.. We all know that weatherby rounds are loaded Hot, the belief of extreme velocities is what put old Roy in business.. I guess Ill just have to hit one this year @ 100 yards where that velocity is 3133fps and see what happens.. Just my 2 cents....
I dont care what style of bullet is used, other then a FMJ, anything that impacts over 3000fps is gonna be messy either way, this can vary depending on cartridge/bullet selections of course. A 165g BT from a 308 will never be pushed fast enough to worry about it. Load them up and go shoot your deer. Usually people bad mouthing use the lighter weight bullets at fast speeds, then shoot there buck at 100 yards and wonder why it leaves a big hole or ruined lots of meat or ran off a little ways. Any other bullet, would have not done much better given the same circumstances. I love btips, they are my favorite bullet for sure. A littel common sense in weight selection can go a long way in bullet performance.