Colorado is looking more like California....


Oct 2, 2004
California banned lead bullets/shells for hunting in 2019. Now it looks like Colorado is heading in that direction.
The bill that they are discussing will make it to where you can trade your lead ammo for nontoxic bullets.
I'm sure they won't give you what the retail price for your lead bullets is, kind of like the gun buy back program.
They'll give you a fraction of what it's worth. It might be worth it for me to start looking into moving to Wyoming.
Any hunters that are planning on hunting in Colorado this season or in the near future, should keep up on the
out come of this bill.
I know lead isn't good to digest/breath, but to me, it seems they are chipping away at our hunting/gun rights
a little bit at a time.

Got the same here in Europe.

I hunt lead free in rifles for more than 10 years and it works for me.
Shot is a bit more complicated, more so with older shotguns.
Let's hope for the old guns, that bismuth or tungsten become more available. And cheaper.
Steel has limits with older guns and tight chokes...
Well don't get me wrong they aren't promoting our shooting sport but this is just another trendy little tree shaking noise making damn it someone gotta be heard horseshit.

Shooting trap directly into someone's well could be a lead problem but a damn bullet? Some shot scattered about in an area with no consumed resources....


What's next? Going after little Johnny's sinker he uses for catching catfish?
If it ever comes to my state it will not change what I use for hunting. Just that. Take from that what you will. What's next? I can't drink my own well water because it's not up to the standards that they think I should be drinking for my own personal consumption? It's an answer to a problem that doesn't exist.

Some things just put up an immediate NOPE not going down that road. That would be one for me. Non compliance to unnecessary and overbearing tyranny. It's been in the American DNA since 1773.
It's always been there but the last 32 years have seen the most outlandish topics come up at a most outrageous pace.

It's ridiculously sad

I don't go around looking for things not to follow, but some things I'm not starting down that road. I'd put this in the same category as their stupid mask requirements which I did not follow, or what they tried with shot requirements which I did not follow.
There are so many good mono-metal bullets available that the elimination of lead bullets wouldn't be crippling but it sure would be a PITA. The biggest problem would probably be for the guys who shoot thousands of 22 rimfire cartridges.

I've yet to see any real environmental or health issues associated with the use of lead bullets for hunting, but that wouldn't stop the libs. If they could conjure up some BS about copper-based bullets it would be the death bell for regulated sport hunting.
Well that's Californians is for you. They moved to another state because they hate California the what it has become and then when they do move to the other state they make it into a second California.
Do you see this?

On the outside it looks like....

Aaahhh...but if you look deep inside today it looks very different.



What a totally misguided pile of horse puckey! So you go out and shoot a few quial, pheasants or maybe ducks. So you can end up adding a few lead pellets in your diet or the lead fragments from the bullet you used to take deer, elk or moose you shot. That stuff will pass from your system it 24 to 72 hours. It just depends on how fats your system processes the food you ate.
That comment on the fishing sinkers and lead jigs has already happened in parts of the northeast portion of the country.
Makes me wonder, will those whu hunt with muzzle loaders be exempt or shut down. While one could use a copper bullet in a sabot, will they work with a conventional muzzle loading rifle or will hunter have to go with a modern in line to be able to continue their sport?
Paul B.
Well don't get me wrong they aren't promoting our shooting sport but this is just another trendy little tree shaking noise making damn it someone gotta be heard horseshit.

Shooting trap directly into someone's well could be a lead problem but a damn bullet? Some shot scattered about in an area with no consumed resources....


What's next? Going after little Johnny's sinker he uses for catching catfish?
Yep, I was watching something a while back and lead tackle has been banned, or being banned because a loon/s swallow the sinkers getting to the bait or broke off fish.
Hey Fotis, can you stop them there while they cross Wyoming before they make it to Montana?
Good luck, I’m in Virginia (the good part in the south west part of the state ) and my new neighbors are from californication. Interesting folks, to say the least.
Well that's Californians is for you. They moved to another state because they hate California the what it has become and then when they do move to the other state they make it into a second California.
Exactly like a virus!
California banned lead bullets/shells for hunting in 2019. Now it looks like Colorado is heading in that direction.
The bill that they are discussing will make it to where you can trade your lead ammo for nontoxic bullets.
I'm sure they won't give you what the retail price for your lead bullets is, kind of like the gun buy back program.
They'll give you a fraction of what it's worth. It might be worth it for me to start looking into moving to Wyoming.
Any hunters that are planning on hunting in Colorado this season or in the near future, should keep up on the
out come of this bill.
I know lead isn't good to digest/breath, but to me, it seems they are chipping away at our hunting/gun rights
a little bit at a time.

Call your state representative and let them know how you feel. It's proposed, not passed.
I don’t buy their excuses based on biased science for one second. If they were truly concerned about the environment they would get rid of all their damn windmills that kill more critters than anything.
They're building off shore windmills on the east coast. A lot of whales are are washing up on the NY and NJ shores dead.