elevated box stands

Black Dog Farm
Blanchard, MI
C 989-944-3907

These blinds are heavy duty. You will need a flatbed trailer and forks to get it off the trailer

I've wanted them to make them in wall sections so that I could assemble on site.
So far none of the local guys located in the Muskegon/Fremont/west MI area is interested.

I note that his website states he will build them in sections - that's great!
If you put some blue foam insulation on the inside, it will keep it warmer and dampen the noise.

I had lined the bottom half with pink foam to calm the sound only to have the mice destroy it.
only problem I see with this stand is there is nothing under the metal roof . it condensates and drips on the hunter .
The stand I have in the woods goes from frosty in the morning to annoying drips as the day warms up. No frost then it’s not an issue.
Nice stands you both have. Mine don’t quite looks as nice as I had to built on site.
I had lined the bottom half with pink foam to calm the sound only to have the mice destroy it.

The stand I have in the woods goes from frosty in the morning to annoying drips as the day warms up. No frost then it’s not an issue.
Nice stands you both have. Mine don’t quite looks as nice as I had to built on site.
I use the rubber exercises Mattson the floor with a rubber backed outdoor rug over it. It really dampens the sound.
I used spray foam on all seams, cracks and corners.
It keeps the bees and mice out.
For the prefab blinds, a couple of door hinges on each corner works pretty well. Line up the walls and drop in the pins. Easy to take apart of you need to move it.

Learned it the hard way: put the legs on some 20 inch walkway stones, or whatever they are called (sorry - German...).
That way water can run off and the legs don't rot quickly.

Then hammer in some 40 inch halve-square iron poles next to the legs and screw them to the legs. That way, they won't fall over in storm.
Btw: we use phenolic resin coated plywood. It costs more, but lasts forever
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I went through my phone , and camera , I've posted all the blind pics I have . I thought for sure I'd have a good pic of the 4' high stand , but I don't .
I just read through all these posts about box stands and learned more about them than I'd ever known! :)

Have to admit that I've never hunted from one, though I've seen a few of them here and there. Looks like it could be a pretty comfortable way to hunt. Closest I've come is using a pop-up ground blind a couple of times over the years. Those work well too.

Keep up the comments & photos guys. I'm learning!

Regards, Guy
I just read through all these posts about box stands and learned more about them than I'd ever known! :)

Have to admit that I've never hunted from one, though I've seen a few of them here and there. Looks like it could be a pretty comfortable way to hunt. Closest I've come is using a pop-up ground blind a couple of times over the years. Those work well too.

Keep up the comments & photos guys. I'm learning!

Regards, Guy
These permanent blinds are very popular here in the Midwest. They are used a lot on private property. On state and federal land, they cannot be permanent. The pop up blinds do work but they are not as effective at stopping the cold brisk winds that we often get. Once you hunt from a permanent heated blind, you won't want to use a pop up.
And a side benefit of a Buddy heater is using it as a heating plate or toaster.
My daughter and I have toasted many a pop tart in a blind with a piping hot cup of coffee.



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the guys in N.Carolina don't dig holes for the legs , these just set on top of the ground , and they anchor them . the legs are one board from the ground to the roof , 14'. this makes the floor about 8' high . the seat is a plank that rests on a board on each side . the plank can slide to get you closer or farther from the windows . the seat set up is this outfitters idea .

problems with this stand ;
the ladder is straight up , since they used one of the legs for the ladder
the side plywood is 4' high making the opening way to high to shoot from . so they raised the plank seat so it's easier to shoot out of . but the seat was so high my feet didn't touch while seated .
should have closed the top of the walls down some . the rain blows right in .

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That does not look comfortable.
The one on my plot is 6’ and on top of hillside. View is great.
The one in the woods is 8’ which is a little too high. Can’t see through the brush further out.
Elevated stands are very popular in Mn. This is a photo of one that a friends family has been using for generations now. Currently LED Lighting and propane heat. Two good sized deer were taken from it this year. Not what I like to do but, have in the past. CL


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That does not look comfortable.
it's not comfortable at all .

the two other outfitters I've hunted with used office chairs in the blinds . they bought them cheap at yard sales. the height is adjustable making them about perfect . the down side to an office chair in an open blind is the rain blows in , and makes the foam seat wet , it takes a long time to dry . you would not have this problem with a closed in blind .

be careful not to build the blind too big . if it's too big you will have to move around to much to see out .
I just read through all these posts about box stands and learned more about them than I'd ever known! :)

Have to admit that I've never hunted from one, though I've seen a few of them here and there. Looks like it could be a pretty comfortable way to hunt. Closest I've come is using a pop-up ground blind a couple of times over the years. Those work well too.

Keep up the comments & photos guys. I'm learning!

Regards, Guy

I have a ground blind , and have hunted out of a couple more . the windows are not big enough for me . there seem to be too many blind spots . it's like I'm looking at the inside of the blind , instead of out the window .
Another idea from a large elevated blind that a friend built:
The blind was at least 12' to the platform and had no conventional door, just windows on all 4 sides. You climbed up the ladder which was between the legs and you pushed up on the trap door that gave you access to the blind. Once inside you just lowered the trap door which was the floor. You sure didn't have to worry about leaning on a door with a flimsy hook & eye lock.
Another idea from a large elevated blind that a friend built:
The blind was at least 12' to the platform and had no conventional door, just windows on all 4 sides. You climbed up the ladder which was between the legs and you pushed up on the trap door that gave you access to the blind. Once inside you just lowered the trap door which was the floor. You sure didn't have to worry about leaning on a door with a flimsy hook & eye lock.
Hunted from some of those.
What I found our they are more noisy.
If no game is close - fine.
But otherwise I wasn't able to get in without spooking them all...