Guy Miner


Sep 15, 2005
I really like the demeanor of this forum.
Forums have lost significant numbers in recent years, due to social media (Which I participate in too), but this group has solid members, that actually post about shooting and hunting.
There are a number of folks here that I really enjoy their posts, and in the future from time to time I will express my appreciation for them as well, but today I want to give a shout out to Guy.
I enjoy his participation in Ultimate Reloader as well, in that you see realistic conversation, without all the hype.
The biggest thing that I appreciate about this site, is how quickly the moderators and members are to squash the trolls and negative banter so prevalent on other forums, or send them down the road when they do not improve their behaviours and attitudes.
This is because of the character and ethics of the members here to ensure that this forum is held to a higher standard that we can all enjoy, and it is because of the real world experience of people like Guy and the many other unnamed members here that provide this real world experience, and are willing to share that with those of us less experienced and wanting to learn in a positive environment.
And even the newer members that join, all have something positive to share, whether it be from a different perspective, a different passion and experience in the firearms and hunting world, or just new questions about new topics that some here are very knowledgeable in, where we learn just by being witness to this new sharing.
He's truly a great member of the forum and I'm personally glad he's here as well
plus it makes me feel like I know someone famous LOL
No one forgets Guy's Green Machine. :D Guy makes the forum lively with his articles in the Ultimate Reloader. Thank you Guy.
This forum is my go to forum, especially learning from fine folks with experience and respectable people with ethical standards. This forum is hard to beat.
Hats off to the moderators and everyone who made this forum great.
Guy has done great job of mentoring new members on this site.
I’m also giving a shout out to DrMike as well , he is a major asset to this forum.
And also JD338 who seems to work 24/7 keeping this clean of riff raft

I just saw this. Umm, thank you. We have a great forum here, thanks to Nosler, and thanks to the members, who seem to appreciate a place where communications are polite. We sometimes disagree, and that's fine. But unlike elsewhere I don't see us calling names and hurling insults. I like that. I think a lot of folks like that.

I've met some of the guys on this forum, and am glad for doing so. Have broken bread with a very few, stayed briefly with a couple of them on an adventure a few years back. Had some wonderful phone calls with a few others. This is a good place, and I'm glad for that.

Many thanks to JD338 and Fotis who are on patrol here, keeping things inline here for a long time now.

Regards, Guy