Inexpensive scopes.


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
If all you had on hand were .....
Sightron S1 3x9
Burris FFII 3-9
Nikon Prostaff 3x9

Which would you choose for my 25-06 Rem CDL that is coming in this week? (For the time being) :wink:
I was thinking the Burris Ballistic Plex.............
not sure. The Sightron is Clear as a bell!!!!!!!
I've never used one, so I cannot speak about the Sightrons.

I've got the Ballistic Plex on a couple of rifles and like the simple set-up.

It won't matter much which one you pick; you'll sell the rifle as soon as you work up a load for it.

Αρρωστέ! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

GET OUT OF MY HEAD! :lol: :lol: :lol:


I really like those Burris's.. Very nice scopes and mine seem pretty well built as well. Their ballistic reticle is very nice and very simple.
Burris it is!

Should work well with the CDL in 25-06
I find the Nikon very heavy :(. I would take the Burris but you have already decided that.

No need for the ballistic plex Fotis.

Sight it in at 300 yards with 115 Ballistic Tips and hold on hair to 400 yards...

In thinking about this, I realized that I have not looked through a Burris scope since they moved out of Denver, many moons ago. I had a couple of the first (whatever) Burris scopes, after Denver and they were trash, junk that hurt my eyes to look at and to look through! I have not looked through one since. That is what happens when you go from pretty darn-good to awful, you lose the customer forever!