Leupold Creedmoor Reticle


Nov 5, 2015
Took my Remington 700 260 plate banger to the range today. I put this Leupold 4x12x40 with the Creedmoor reticle on it to see if it would work since it's caliiubrated for 6.5 Creedmoor loads. The load I was shooting consists of the Hornady 129gr SP 42.0grs H4350 doing a smig over 2700 fps. Sighted dead on at 100yds the holdover dots worked well. 1st dot on at 200yds, 2nd dot 300yds and the top of the bottom post was hitting middle of the plate at 400yds. So I think this reticle will work out ok if I decide to use it for the 6.5x55. Was an enjoyable experience at the range. 20230804_121356.jpg20230804_121244.jpg20230804_121224.jpg
To be honest I didn’t know there was a manufacture that did a reticle for the 6.5 , just 5.56 and 308. Sound like it’s working for you👍
I like that reticle - 2.2 and 4.8 MOA for the dots. I bought that scope within days of when Leupold released it; I put it on one of my 7mmRM. It's just like the older Leupold LR (long range) reticle I have on a VX-2. I wish they would make that reticle an option in more offerings. Kudos to you.

I like that reticle - 2.2 and 4.8 MOA for the dots. I bought that scope within days of when Leupold released it; I put it on one of my 7mmRM. It's just like the older Leupold LR (long range) reticle I have on a VX-2. I wish they would make that reticle an option in more offerings. Kudos to you.

The Leupold custom shop can change out and give you a different reticle.

Is it pretty easy to tailor a load to work with the scope?
Yes, it seems to be. I had read that it was for 6.5 Creedmoor loads around 2700 fps I believe. Tried it with a 35 Whelen using 200gr Hornady SP with Varget doing 2765 fps and it did about the same except at 300 yds which was about 3-4 ins different. Could change sight-in to correct this I believe. This is a very useable reticle. Dan.