My 1895 45-70

Congratulations on the elk tag. Something good has to happen for each of us. I keep seeing these fellows talking about their 45-70s, and I'm about convinced that I need to get one. I'm afraid to go into a gun store anymore because one may jump off the rack and into my hands. To this point, I've been able to enjoy a Marlin vicariously, but that can carry a fellow only so far.
Elkman":vdszvakc said:
Usually these occur around Christmas time. I can wait that long - - - I think!

Seriously? You can not resist the pull of the fo-tay-five-sabendy grasshoppa.

I thought I was strong, I passed by many rifles and turned nary and eye. My first 45/70 was an Encore 24", mmmm, nice. For an anniversary my wife bought me an 1895G, mmm, more nicerer. I hope she buys me another one this year. :mrgreen:
Nice looking setup. Looks identical to mine. Try 420 grain gas checks with 41 grains of IMR 4198. :)
Mike and Bill! Get yourself the 45-70! They are some fun rifles and man, what a hoot load and shoot! I have kinda put mine towards the front of the safe as I am always looking for a good reason to get it out and work the lever. Love mine. Plus, I can't imagine a nicer carrying rifle. Now, with these last couple lever guns, I see why the old timers really enjoyed carrying their Winchesters and Marlins. They just fit really well. Scotty
Looks like the XLR likes the 300 BSTs with 59.5 grains of H4198. The group went just over an inch at 1.01" and avg 2400fps with an S.D. of 4! Not that much fun to shoot off the bench but it should kill some Whitetails this coming season!

That is a great group. I'd say you're ready for about anything with that load.
Wow, that is a shooter for SURE! No doubt, that is some serious smack with those 300gr'er's at 2400! Man, that should really smack any whitetail! Excellent shooting buddy. You just sparked my up again to get loading for the mighty Marlin. Scotty
It would have been real hard not to drop the hammer on a deer at the range sunday :oops: Just joking but im ready too see what those 300 BSTs can do!
They looks to be some awesome bullets. Hoping to get out with the 425's this weekend and see how my Guide Rifle likes them. Hoping they shoot well, might have to use some case next year for deer hunting! Scotty