Neck Sizing Concern with 338 Win Mag Nosler Brass


Mar 6, 2025
Upon returning back to reloading for my 338 win mag, I have encountered a "possible concern" with 45 out of 50 Nosler cases (fired 2-3 times)
I also have many other brass manufacturers (Federal, Winchester, Hornady) but am not experiencing this scenario below:

I use a Redding body die to bump the FF shoulder .002-.003
I use the Lee Precision Neck Collet resizing die to size the neck
I also use when needed, the Larry Willis Belted Magnum Collet Resizing Die
Regardless of case manufacturer, all brass, including the Nosler brass fits very smoothly in the chamber.

My Concern (Only with Nosler brass):
When using the Lee Precision Neck Collet resizing die on the Nosler brass, the die catches slightly on the belt, in turn I need to pull down the ram lever an additional pull
(this might have happened also in the past but years have gone by, so I don't recall)
This is only with the Nosler brass, but it fits perfectly in the chamber

Other brass measures .5285 - .529 at the belt and .509 - .510 at the web
Nosler brass with the exception of 5 cases, measures .530 - .5305 at the belt (where the die catches) and .511 at the web

Has anyone that uses the Lee neck collet resizing die encountered that before?
I am not sure what the virgin measurements were or if these have changed.

Is this Nosler brass still reloading worthy?

Sorry for the long explanation but did not want to leave anything out.

Thank you lots!
I've not used it, but interesting! I will follow any feedback you get. Good luck on solving the problem.
My Lee collet die measures 0.5425” at the bottom of the collet. My 338 WM brass is made from 375 H&H Remington and 7mm RM Peterson. No issues with either.
I've not used it, but interesting! I will follow any feedback you get. Good luck on solving the problem.
Thank you!
My Lee collet die measures 0.5425” at the bottom of the collet. My 338 WM brass is made from 375 H&H Remington and 7mm RM Peterson. No issues with either.
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Thank you for the pics RL338
Something is not adding up so I am going to call Lee Precision on Monday or Tuesday and get their discernment. I will update all with Lee Precision explanation thereafter. Could very well be just me! ;)
Thanks again
What happens if you back off the die just a bit?
That won’t work with the collet die. On the up stroke the shell holder contacts the bottom of the collet and drives it up into the forcing cone closing it up onto the mandrel sizing the neck.