Sometime last year I seen 2 full boxes of Hornady 180 gr round nose bullets on a shelf for $10 a box so I scarfed them up. No plans for them just figured at that price they were good to have on hand.
Just out of curiosity I loaded some up. My M70 shoots various 180 gr spitzer bullets well to very well using 56-56.5 gr of IMR 4350.
Loaded some up with 56.2 grains. Rifle generally likes cup and core bullets loaded around .040 off, but it has a short throat and with these bullets at .025 off they were already slightly below the cannelure so I left them at that.
First shot fouler went high, next 3 went into a neat 3/4" cluster. I've no doubt if I'd of loaded more the rest would've continued that pattern. I might see if .040 off will do better but if not, 3/4" is fine for this bullet.
Love this rifle and cartridge. Shoots all bullet weights and styles I've ever put through it in 1/2"-3/4" groups with easy to find loads.

Just out of curiosity I loaded some up. My M70 shoots various 180 gr spitzer bullets well to very well using 56-56.5 gr of IMR 4350.
Loaded some up with 56.2 grains. Rifle generally likes cup and core bullets loaded around .040 off, but it has a short throat and with these bullets at .025 off they were already slightly below the cannelure so I left them at that.
First shot fouler went high, next 3 went into a neat 3/4" cluster. I've no doubt if I'd of loaded more the rest would've continued that pattern. I might see if .040 off will do better but if not, 3/4" is fine for this bullet.
Love this rifle and cartridge. Shoots all bullet weights and styles I've ever put through it in 1/2"-3/4" groups with easy to find loads.