Problem w/ new Stock.


Jan 14, 2008
I ordered a Boyds Laminated stock for my Howa 22-250. I did reload another batch of 50 rnds and when I checked the load, my group size opened up to about 1.5 - 2 inches. I tried a different batch and still about the same. I couldn't see what I did "wrong" then it hit me. I put the Rouge rubber stock back on and the group went to < 0.5" again, WHEW .... OK now I have some stock work to do.

I only paid $90 for the stock but I like the Forest Green/Brown Lam look. Any ideas how to check the lug fit and if there are any pressure spots?
Sounds to me like you need to bed the stock. I don't think there's a problem with the lug fit. Howa has a flat bottom and has integral lug. So it will be easy to bed even for a novice. Good Luck.
DF is spot on about bedding the rig. Speaking of pressure, does the Hogue have a forearm psi point or is it free floated? I know the Boyds typical do have an agressive psi pr built in and also the entire barrel channel could be providing psi. So I would first check to see that the entire barrel is free floated by at least .050?

Other areas to check on the boyds are: The trigger assy area, is it free of contact? The bolt handle, etc. It should fit free, easy and securly. Did you set it in the stock the "prefered way"? That is to place it in the stock and stand the rifle vertically and then tighten the lug screw first? Does the tang fit securly at that point? Any flex is indicative of bedding issues.

Boils down to remove wood for a psi free fit and bed it. Good post and good luck, let us know.

Oh yeah, a "Drop in" stock is an oxymoron.

Thanks for the advice. I had already removed some wood because I have a Timney trigger and it didn't just drop in. I will check for it to be free floated through out the barrel channel and check around the action. I know I'm touching on the left because I can not release the bolt with out dropping the stock.
Thanks again.