Savage 30-30


Jul 16, 2011
I just recently returned from visiting a friend in Colorado who had bought the rifle above - it's an old rifle of 104 years with 26" barrel. It seems in pretty good condition & nothing nasty in the barrel. However, we tried various different loads with two propellants H322 & H4895 (They seemed the appropriate choices) the best group at 100yds we achieved was 3" (30.2gns H322) but mostly 4-5" groups. Bullet used: Hornady Interlock 150gn, MV was around 2250-2325 fps.
Brass prep is headspace sized to rifle & cartridge OAL to manual dimensions +/- a couple of thou
My friend is about to try IMR3031.. .. so, does anyone have ideas of other propellant or load data we might check out? Suggestions welcome
And a 170 grain bullet should be on your list as well ET. All of the powders mentioned work great, I use alot of the Leverevolution in my 30-30/35 Rem loads, but all of those will work great.

Give the barrel a good scrubbing if it hasn't had it, and maybe swap projectiles. Something will shoot.

I am also assuming you're shooting with irons, so make sure the shooter has an appropriate sized bull to really see the target. Good luck, sounds like a good ol rifle.
I’m shooting 30gr 3031 with Hornady 170 RN open sights and usually 2.5” at 100yds slightly bett if I bring my glasses. I’ve had good success with 4064, 4895 as well as 748 but at this point only load 3031/170. My best 150 load is with h335 the receipt is on the can I use Hornady 150 or Sierra
If not already done , a good barrel scrubbing is in order. IMR 3031 is a good choice for the 30-30. Work up to 31grs with 150gr bullet and you should find a load.
Absolutely clean it! My friends 30-06 was grouping like a shotgun. I cleaned it with the outers cop-out system. Worked up load that groups under an inch. Scrub that barrel. Make sure the screws are tight.
Thanks lads,
I'll make sure Dan, my friend in Colorado sets to with his cleaning kit. I reckon Dan'll be happy if he can get his groups to 2" at 100yds
I'd never shot with an underlever rifle before so an interesting experience for me when I was there a week or so ago. It's a nice rifle & with a rotary magazine very similar to the old Mannlicher Schoenauer rifles I have. A nice slick feed into the breech too.... a cool rifle!
He's gonna touch up the foresight blade with something florescent to help hold on the target... I believe that will be a worthwhile aid.
Thanks lads,
I'll make sure Dan, my friend in Colorado sets to with his cleaning kit. I reckon Dan'll be happy if he can get his groups to 2" at 100yds
I'd never shot with an underlever rifle before so an interesting experience for me when I was there a week or so ago. It's a nice rifle & with a rotary magazine very similar to the old Mannlicher Schoenauer rifles I have. A nice slick feed into the breech too.... a cool rifle!
He's gonna touch up the foresight blade with something florescent to help hold on the target... I believe that will be a worthwhile aid.
I’ve got one in 308 and it’s one of my favorite rifles. Use bright orange nail polish on the sight bead. Easily removed as well with nail polish remover
Thanks for doing my research Geo. I plan to give the 170 gr FN bullet a try. Given the .311 groove Dia. At the muzzle and the age of this old girl, I think I need something longer to grab more of the lands. The other option is something larger in Dia to do the same.
I have a 1902 vintage Winchester 1894 and my father has a 1903 vintage Savage 1899 both in .25-35.

Varget has shot the very best in both rifles although we are running more around 2100 fps rather than top velocities. We are loading 24 grains of Varget under the Hornady 117 grain Roundnose bullet in both guns. They shoot pretty well for being over 120 years old!

As others have said, IMR-3031 should be a match made in heaven for your friend’s .30-30! I have used it extensively in both the .30-30 and .32 Winchester Special.