Second black rifle craze on the way?


Sep 30, 2004
Reading the writing on the wall I see a second black rife craze on the way. The first tactical rifle craze was pretty bad but manufacturers have caught back up and there is now a surplus of tactical rifles. AR15s are at all time low prices.

With all the politcal talk I imagine there was be a second run on black rifles. I’ve decided to get ahead of the craze and get an AR10. I already have a plethera of Ar15s in various calibers. Anyone else who was toying with the idea of getting one should probably jump on it.

I just orderd the parts to put together a PSA AR10 with free float and 18” barrel. All said and done Im into it for just over 700 bucks. If things go the way I’m expecting them to I bet they will double in price in the next year or so.
I should imagine you are correct; and if the Dems get a boost in either chamber of capture the oval office, it will be a nightmare. It is a tumultuous period in American history. Consequently, we have an election here in Canada, and should the wrong party seize power, we will see similar changes taking place here.
Yeah well everyone needs to stock up on Reloading stuff and ammo as well. We are just now getting back to seeing stocked shelves here in Idaho for ammo and components.

If a Dem is elected president, I believe this WILL be the worst one of the shortages we have yet seen.

God help us.

If a Dem is elected we can literally and figuratively kiss this republic goodbye.

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I heard the next President may get a chance at filling 4 or 5 Supreme Justices. If Hillary gets elected and fills those spots even the most sacred document in History will become powerless.
She will be able to rewrite the Constitution to say whatever she wants it to say.
This may be the most important election we have even had in this country. Somehow we must save our country.
I'm already stocked up on 30 round mags and ammo... All I'll ever need.

And I wholeheartedly agree with what Vince said.... If a Dem gets elected again within 16 years this once free country is finished.
It is startling, distressing in fact, how quickly the home of the brave and the land of the free has moved into the condition that it is now viewed in the world. Who says it makes no difference whether people vote or stay home? :evil:
Hillary is a criminal, waiting to be charged. It will never happen.

Bernie isn't just a socialist, he's headed right down the road to communism.

Vote Democrat? You're voting America out of existence.
I think the more serious issue is based on immigration. If a dem is voted into office, I suspect the path to residency and right to vote for illegals will happen within the first term. This very well could be the last "regular election" held in the United States of America.
I got the PSA PA10 put together today. Will try to get out and shoot it later this week

PSA PA10 with 18" barrel
Key mod forend, magpul furniture
6x42 Super Chicken w/ MRAD
Geisselle SC-E straight trigger


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I think most of the folks that were going to buy a black rifle bought them during the last "scare". Most of them have since sold them when Momma said bills needed to be paid. This is evidenced by the low AR prices.
If it were me I'd be stocking up on AR magazines and Glock magazines by the case.
Friend of mine paid for college by selling Colt 20 round metal mags he bought before the ban.


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