Sportsman warehouse reloader 15/22


Aug 20, 2020

It says there is some at the Troy store 5 lbs around $249 seems like a deal today compared to what other places are charging. I have both and don't need any right now as I have 6lbs of 22 and 4 lbs of 15 that I may never use. Not sure if any other posters here live in Metro Detroit area but if you do and need some you might want to check them out. It says limited stock it may go fast and they are not the best at removing it off the website so it may already be gone.
Mine has 5lbers of RL15 and RL22 on the shelf and not much else.
My local store just got a shipment of RL 22 in yesterday. They were pricing each 1 pound bottle at $71 and change.

A store less than 2 miles away has two (2) one pound bottles of RL 16 and they want $99.98 per pound. I about passed out when I saw that.

When I burn up my Alliant powder that I have on stock then I strongly doubt I'll be purchasing more at the ridiculous price that Alliant is bringing these days. I hate it too because Alliant proves to be very accurate in several of my rifles.
It seems like my best loads involve Alliant powders. Thankfully I have some 19 and 26 one hand, down to a pound of 22; 7 and 16. Unfortunately out of 17. I have quite a bit of H4350 and a couple of Varget. I have started working up acceptable loads in most of my rifles with the 4350 Just to go out shooting. Some guys golf, I go to the range once a week unless I’m hunting deer or elk. I keep good notes and never had a problem with this recent powder thing Shooting H4350 for fun and then to Hunt making a couple of minor corrections to the scope and having my “best Load” right where i want it.
It seems like my best loads involve Alliant powders. Thankfully I have some 19 and 26 one hand, down to a pound of 22; 7 and 16. Unfortunately out of 17. I have quite a bit of H4350 and a couple of Varget. I have started working up acceptable loads in most of my rifles with the 4350 Just to go out shooting. Some guys golf, I go to the range once a week unless I’m hunting deer or elk. I keep good notes and never had a problem with this recent powder thing Shooting H4350 for fun and then to Hunt making a couple of minor corrections to the scope and having my “best Load” right where i want it.
That's a great approach Don, I like it.
BTW, my golf game sucks! Guess that's why I started shooting trap on Tuesday nights.

That's a great approach Don, I like it.
BTW, my golf game sucks! Guess that's why I started shooting trap on Tuesday nights.

I don't even reload shot shells for trap and skeet anymore... Once the last of my 1k reloads are gone I will suck it up for a case of gun clubs when needed.
I don't even reload shot shells for trap and skeet anymore... Once the last of my 1k reloads are gone I will suck it up for a case of gun clubs when needed.
Several of the guys I shot skeet with started doing this few years ago. Said it wasn't worth it to reload them. With today's prices not sure which would be best. Got several loaded up and haven't been shooting any. Dan.
I haven’t reloaded shotgun shells since high school, mid 70s. I don’t shoot trap but do as much birdhunting as I can. Just not worth it to load for no more than I shoot in the field. My dogs might argue however I need to be shooting clays based on my performance on roosters yesterday.
It's good to see some of the powders that got rare reappearing on the shelves. I even managed to snag some H1000 recently to bolster my supply (my .280 loves it with 174-grain bullets). I just have this nagging suspicion that we won't see a resupply of all these for another three or four years. I sure do hope I'm wrong!!
I got a email notification from Midsouth Shooters supply informing me that they had Alliant powder in stock. RL16 was 60 per lb or 465 per 8lbs. I'll not be using any Alliant at these prices, especially when I have other load recipes that use cheaper powders.
I suppose Alliant has to charge more because they have so little powder on the market.
It seems like my best loads involve Alliant powders. Thankfully I have some 19 and 26 one hand, down to a pound of 22; 7 and 16. Unfortunately out of 17. I have quite a bit of H4350 and a couple of Varget. I have started working up acceptable loads in most of my rifles with the 4350 Just to go out shooting. Some guys golf, I go to the range once a week unless I’m hunting deer or elk. I keep good notes and never had a problem with this recent powder thing Shooting H4350 for fun and then to Hunt making a couple of minor corrections to the scope and having my “best Load” right where i want it.
I'm one of those Preachers that can't Golf, can hardly fish and don't cheat on my wife :) ...but I love going to the range and working up loads. I too take plenty of notes, it sure saves time/money!
If I try a load and it doesent work I put the remainder in a box labeled “rock shooters” then on my range day I take those out and shoot my plates. These days I would guess i fire 10 rounds from position for every round fired from the bench as all my rifles except the 6.5 have very good loads developed. I have guys at our range ask me “how do you know where your rifle shoots, I’ve never seen you on the bench” Last time that happened I had rung my plate about 20 times with three different rifles at 300 yards. I pointed that out to one guy his response was yea, but a blind squirrel finds an ahorn some time. He asked if he could shoot my plate. Sure I said. He missed twice from the bench.
Well the escalated quickly the reloader 22 is still in stock but it's now $279 for the 5 pounder.
The two powders I'd like to up the supply of is RL15 and RL17. The 15 rules in my .35 Whelen and the 17 in my 7x57. I hear it's a good one in the 30-06 as well but I don't have enough to feed the 7x57.
I use the long gone WMR in the .270, .280 and .300 Win. Mag and I have more than enough to feed those cartridges. I did have 32 pounds of the stuff but am down now to about 10 pounds. You'd think it would work in the 30-06 but truth be told, it's a total disaster. Even the Winchester look booklets only show it with 200 and 220 gr. bullets and the figure they show are dismal. To be blunt, that stuff is very erratic in the 30-06.
Paul B.
The two powders I'd like to up the supply of is RL15 and RL17. The 15 rules in my .35 Whelen and the 17 in my 7x57. I hear it's a good one in the 30-06 as well but I don't have enough to feed the 7x57
RL17 works well in my 30-06 , but you can’t find it anymore.
I'm one of those Preachers that can't Golf, can hardly fish and don't cheat on my wife :) ...but I love going to the range and working up loads. I too take plenty of notes, it sure saves time/money!
My best loads are Alliant as well.
Shoot, these days, I'd love a good deal on 5-10 pounds of RL22. I switched over to 23 a few years ago since it is a temp stable powder that matched 22, but now it's nearly impossible to get, so I'd gladly use 22 again. That stuff used to get used in just about anything it'd fit in. It was always accurate and always pretty speedy. WSM's, Rem and Win Mags, 243, 25-06..