7mm-08 Quick load data

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They are scootin! Can't say much for the accuracy today though. I wasn't having a very good day behind the trigger. 51gr is still short of the velocity I was hoping for. No pressure signs, but that case is really full! Maybe, maybe squeeze another .5gr in there?
Switching to Rem 9 1/2M primers. RL16 50gr up to 51.5gr. You can't squeeze any more RL16 in that case! 52gr would be level with the case mouth or over. Despite the heavy compression, there really isn't that much "Crunching" taking place. Still looking for moa accuracy and 3000fps...
Bet your going to love that little featherweight, they sure feel right in your hands! You got yourself a heck of a
nice rifle there; in an awesome caliber! Good Shooting.
Wonder if RL26 would break the 3k barrier??? :mrgreen:
desertcj":1s5ofirh said:
Switching to Rem 9 1/2M primers. RL16 50gr up to 51.5gr. You can't squeeze any more RL16 in that case! 52gr would be level with the case mouth or over. Despite the heavy compression, there really isn't that much "Crunching" taking place. Still looking for moa accuracy and 3000fps...

Have you already tried 17? It fits better than 16 does and seems to make more speed as well.
I haven't tried RL17. I was hoping to stick with the more temp stable RL16. Going to the magnum primers to hopefully pick up a bit of speed as you can tell that I'm out of space for more powder. I believe RL16 would work well with 160/162gr bullets in a 7mm-08.
desertcj":3qy04zq4 said:
I haven't tried RL17. I was hoping to stick with the more temp stable RL16. Going to the magnum primers to hopefully pick up a bit of speed as you can tell that I'm out of space for more powder. I believe RL16 would work well with 160/162gr bullets in a 7mm-08.

Could be, I have a hard time not using 17 just cause it works darned good in so many cartridges for me. 16 has been good though in my 06, but I am spoiled a bit cause it fits pretty easily and seems to make good speed. Haven't had any problems with 17 hunting, but I understand wanting to get all you can out of a powder. I will get around to the 7-08 shortly. So far all I have used is reduced H4895/120 BT loads at 2550 for my daughter but man are they accurate.
Tested loads with RL16 and Rem 9 1/2M primers. I did come a hairs breath away from 3000fps with 51.5gr. Rifle doesn't seem to care for the magnum primers at all. So, that leaves me with a best load with the 140gr E-tip at 50gr RL16 with the BR2 primers at 2850fps. Probably worth trying a few deeper seating depths with this load. Other than that, I'm going to just start throwing powders at this thing with some more 120gr ttsx and see if I can stumble onto something! Yes, Big game, CFE 223 and IMR 3031. I dont think that 140gr monos at 2850fps are really buying me much over a 120gr mono at 3000fps-3100fps.


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It was sunny out and I was getting some weird readings off of my chronograph as you can probably see...
Did accuracy stink with them or do you just not like the 140's at 2850?

I'd almost guess your chrono was giving you the business as usually once you get up into that pressure range they usually settle down more, but it is hard to tell.

The 120's at 3000 should be pretty danged good as well.
Accuracy was terrible. The 140s at 2850 is the best group I've seen out of this rifle. I'm going to see if seeting depth can improve that 50gr load any, but I would rather be shooting the 120gr ttsx at 3000fps+. Velocity really helps expansion with the copper bullets and most of the shooting with this will be under 200yds I'm thinking. Honestly, there isn't a lot of difference. That's why I'm going to try a little more with the 140s before I go back to shooting in the dark with the 120s and new powders.
desertcj":36eiu1s7 said:
Accuracy was terrible. The 140s at 2850 is the best group I've seen out of this rifle. I'm going to see if seeting depth can improve that 50gr load any, but I would rather be shooting the 120gr ttsx at 3000fps+. Velocity really helps expansion with the copper bullets and most of the shooting with this will be under 200yds I'm thinking. Honestly, there isn't a lot of difference. That's why I'm going to try a little more with the 140s before I go back to shooting in the dark with the 120s and new powders.

Makes sense to me. How far off the lands are you with the Etips? I couldn't do anything decent with them until they were .1 away in my rifles. Once they got around there they came alive.

Seems like 120's with something faster in burn might be pretty wicked though. Almost like a 270 :mrgreen:
I've probably been wasting my time and components by testing these all at .005" off the lands. Its a hard habit for me to break as that's how my grandfather taught me to find a max load. That's basically all I've done so far even though I've never really found excessive pressure in any of these loads. I e only gone up to where the velocity was supposed to be with a given powder/bullet combo based on published load data or quickload predictions. I did try the 120 ttsx/ 46gr Varget at various seating depths and didn't find anything great accuracy wise. That's why I was going to try a few different powders with the 120's if I end up going back to them. 3100fps looks attainable with cfe223 and yeah, that is. 270 territory in a short action!
desertcj":1b4y0utk said:
I've probably been wasting my time and components by testing these all at .005" ....!

Try again in 0.01, 0.02,...etc out to 0.06 or so. Guessing you’ll find cup and core like to have small jumps, and bonded/minis like bigger jumps.

If you are one more decimal to the right, you probably wouldn’t see much difference. For me NAB like close to SAAMI specs, and Hornady Interlocks like 0.01 to 0.02”.

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This one is really testing me. I just deprimed about 50 neck sized cases that I had primed with the 9 1/2M primers as from what I can tell, this rifle doesn't like them at all. I also full length sized those cases, so starting fresh. I was neck sizing only before with a Lee collet die. I'm going to try 50gr of RL16 with the 140gr E-tip at .050", .075", .100" and maybe .125" off the lands. I'm crossing my fingers that one of these is going to show me some love.
desertcj":1ya9vumg said:
This one is really testing me. I just deprimed about 50 neck sized cases that I had primed with the 9 1/2M primers as from what I can tell, this rifle doesn't like them at all. I also full length sized those cases, so starting fresh. I was neck sizing only before with a Lee collet die. I'm going to try 50gr of RL16 with the 140gr E-tip at .050", .075", .100" and maybe .125" off the lands. I'm crossing my fingers that one of these is going to show me some love.

THAT right there is smart shooting. Something to be said for finding the sweet spot with seating depth first and then finding the powder charge. Sometimes a middling load and getting the seating depth close is much faster than doing it the opposite direction.

And I totally agree with you, breaking the old way of seating a bullet up close and finding a max powder charge is hard to stop. With the ETip going any closer than .075 has been a waste of time, powder and bullets for me and my rifles, since I usually end up in the .100 range anyhow.

I am looking forward to seeing what you end up with groups out of this set of loads. I am guessing you'll find magic. Someone posted a few years about about the Berger method of finding a seating depth using .010, .040, .070 and .100 from the rifling and I have been very lucky that has worked out excellent. Plus, finding the seating depth before finding the powder charge seems to keep my ES in better standing since I am not changing the harmonics of a given powder charge by changing up the seating depth much afterwards..
I'd bet that as you get closer to .100" jump, things will start to come together..Not a 7-08, but the 140, 7mm e-tip in my 280 was causing me a lot of grief until I started closing in on .100" jump, and it was like somebody flipped the accuracy switch on them.
I've been finding seating first , with a starting powder charge , this is working well for me . seating depth does not seem to change as I work with powder charge . when I find my best powder charge , I will tweak my seating depth . it took me awhile to see the light on finding seating first . what finally opened my eyes was I thought about this ; what if I have the bullet placed where there is no way it's going to shoot . think a Barnes with about a .010 jump , ain't no way this is optimum . I work my powder and get my best , then start to tweak seating . I'll probably end up with a mediocre to fair shooting load . if I make a major seating adjustment , I've changed both seating and pressure . so what actually helped , seating or pressure ?
I think a lot of temperamental loads could be from the scenario I described above . by finding seating first I know where the bullet wants to be in my barrel . as I work powder , I'm only changing pressure .