My Apologies to everyone


Nov 23, 2013
I sincerely apologize for Truck Drivers indiscretion of posting photos that I sent to him.
The remote chance encounter of breeding elk presented itself in front of my wife and me earlier today in Yellowstone Park.
This is a family forum and I would not have posted the mating photo, and I have instructed Rodger to remove it.
Rol_P sorry if I offended you by sharing the pictures.
I'm an old country boy and didn't truly think anything of them but will edit my post for you.
Appreciate your sensitivity, Rol. However, for my part, no apology required. Farm boys have seen similar sights multiple times each year. I lived in Jasper for a couple of years, and the elk actually used my yard as a breeding ground. The herd bull would corral his harem against our fence and keep his cows in check. My two eldest grandchildren (three and five at the time) were fascinated to witness the mating rituals (though they were a bit distressed that we wouldn't allow them to go out to play on the playground). It was a great opportunity to explain nature as questions were raised. Better we provided explanation than some of the possible instructors that could have provided instruction. And we didn't even have to talk about gender transition! A bull was always a bull and a cow was always a cow.
I see the same stuff on PBS.

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I think it is wrong to not post them. Heck I was raised on a ranch and that is just everyday things.
This is a firearm site that includes hunting. What next? No photos of animals taken or them dresses. Or god forbid a photo with blood.
I "personally" think someone is being too PC and I do hope the libtard crowd is not getting into this site.

Sorry(not really) if my 2 cents offends anyone.
Natures ways are never anything to be ashamed of, or shelter children from.... Whether its mating, birthing, or killing for food.... Or getting killed for food.

Those are all things any living creature should know and understand.

And I am of the opinion that children are never too young to know about it.

I'd venture a guess that 10,000 years ago they learned about it real fast.
Thank you fellas for each response. It is truly refreshing to hear the voices of "Real People" rather than 21st century pansies who are offended by the smallest thing they can point to out if what they consider normal. In my opinion too much is done these days to shelter and reward the young. Kids get participation trophies...

Hind sight is always 20/20. When I sent Rodger the photos I could have asked him to keep them to himself, or he could have asked me if I wanted them shared on the forum. We live and learn.
Have a great day, Rol
Snowflakes don't usually land here, so I think we're all pretty safe with real Nature as it is.....
Ridgerunner665":1yrfcvme said:
I'd venture a guess that 10,000 years ago they learned about it real fast.

Or even a hundred years ago! I'd wager that children were more conversant with nature and nature's ways even fifty years ago than today with the confusing babel of voices intent on creating this brave new world.
DrMike":2o3vdk8g said:
Ridgerunner665":2o3vdk8g said:
I'd venture a guess that 10,000 years ago they learned about it real fast.

Or even a hundred years ago! I'd wager that children were more conversant with nature and nature's ways even fifty years ago than today with the confusing babel of voices intent on creating this brave new world.
Rol and Rodger

I was asked to respond and although I am VERY busy right now as it is dinner time and we are fixing dinner and martini's I will break away to do so

I understand and respect both your positions. Thank you Rol, for your thoughtfulness and Rodger, no harm, no foul, not to worry.

I was raised on a farm and have viewed nature all my life, no problem here. Brooke was raised on a cattle ranch in El Paso Texas and then moved to Alaska with her family and bred and wrangled horses as well as hunted all her live. Cheyenne was raised literally to be "in tune" with nature and I know she also did some breeding of possibly mink for a while ( maybe not mink, but if not some other fur bearing animal ), I can guarantee you she would have not been offended. Same with Jamila who was raised on a game farm in Africa. I am sure even Wyoming Huntress, who would be the youngest female on the forum (Fotis's daughter ) has been around wild animals, with her father, all her life, but I can not, of course, speak for her, as I have the others.

Enjoy your time together in the west gentlemen and dont give it another thought
I find it interesting as to what some people object to these days, such as posting natural acts of nature that ensures the survival of any species on the planet, while on everyday tv shows and in the movies that are viewed daily, sex, nudity, foul language, unethical behaviours and violence is portrayed constantly and not objected to by the masses.

Why the disparity? And hypocracy
I agree with the others, no apology necessary. I grew up on a ranch raising cattle and horses. My kids spent many years in 4H and FFA, grew up with horses, sheep and working dogs. Anyone who has been around animals know it is part of life. And yes, excellent comments here from "Real People".
This reminds me of when my brother and I were in my grandfather's words...." little S____'s"......... anyway, we were 4 years old and we would visit them on the ranch often. Once while riding around one evening we see this bull doing what bulls do....................... "Papaw!" (what we called him)..........."what's that bull doing to that cow?????" He answered like any person raised in the country.............."well boys, that bull is giving that cow some bull juice".......................

Some other time we were up there and in the presence of both our Grandfather and Grandmother and saw the same exact thing................ one of us boys said........... "hey, that bull is giving that cow some bull juice"....

The look our grandmother shot our grandfather was priceless................................... :shock: :lol:
Most, if not all of us, will be out hunting this fall. If we're lucky, we'll be hunting "the rut" and hoping to see exactly the same thing right in front of us. Many of us will have our kids with us, or have had them with us in times past. I don't see the problem.
Blkram":8f0x9lt1 said:
I find it interesting as to what some people object to these days, such as posting natural acts of nature that ensures the survival of any species on the planet, while on everyday tv shows and in the movies that are viewed daily, sex, nudity, foul language, unethical behaviours and violence is portrayed constantly and not objected to by the masses.

Why the disparity? And hypocracy

Exactly !!!!!!! I agree Gil

Charles, as you know we are Jewish and nobody has a "killer look" like a Jewish mom, so I had to laugh at your post --and understood it!
Jewish moms are great on multiple levels, John. Precious memories of my days at Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx. I was treated with great courtesy and kindness. However, there is no question but that they seem to have perfected "the LOOK." :shock: