New Kimber 1911

My carry gun is a Kimber Ultra Carry II in .45ACP, with hardball ammo. It is a dream to shoot. I have thought about loading some cast SWC for it, but it shoots so well with hardball. I hate to hear plastic parts in any 1911 or one of its clones.
This is an old thread, but it's a timely one from my perspective.

I had avoided Kimber 1911s for a long time just because of some reputation problems, but I put a Winchester Super-X 2 up for sale or swap a couple of months ago and a fellow in my locale (that means within 100 miles in this part of the world) offered up a Stainless Target II in 9mm in trade for my shotgun. In terms of street value it was a very good swap for me and I took it. I happened to be wanting a good 9mm range toy at the time.

Once I fired that Kimber, I fell in love with it. What a sweet shooter!

A few days back I tore it down completely for a thorough cleaning and lube, and I noticed that the mainspring housing was indeed made of plastic. I began to feel a sense of deep shame and revulsion. I know that this part would probably have outlasted me, but it was just a matter of "oh, hell no!" for me. I immediately hopped on Brownell's website.

I found a Nighthawk Custom mainspring housing, in stainless steel and with 25 LPI chekering there and for only about $40, so I bought it. It arrived in the mail this afternoon and I have already swapped it into the gun. There were no issues installing it, and its finish matches my Kimber perfectly.

The world spins nice and steady on its axis once again.
My feelings exactly.