"new powders"


Apr 16, 2007
Anyone using ViHT that can compare to the IMR powders. I load for 257 wby, 7mm wby, 264 winmag, and 300 wby. Second question: do the powders make a real difference... What i mean is comparing 2 slow burning powders with the rest being equal...

I use N-140 & N-165. I'm a big fan of the Viht as is seems to be an extremely stable powder and burns very clean. The N-165 I use in my .280 & 7 Mag with great results. That may be a little too fast of burning powder for what your shooting however ?
The nice part is at least you can purchase it in 1 pound containers rather than the older 2 pounds. That was a lot of powder if it didn't work out.
I know it is not a VN powder suggestion but RL 25 is great in all of the aforementoned cartridges. :lol:
I have used VN550 and VN560 in my 300 WSM with excellent results. These are double base powders, so there is some potential to erode the throat more rapidly than other single-base powders. On the other hand, H414, IMR 4350 and RL22 all give me fine groups in that rifle as well. I have used VN165 in my 7 mm RM for some years as one of my preferred powders. I don't know that it is "better" than IMR 7828 or RL22, but with the load I use it for it is very good. In general, the Finnish powders are more expensive, but sufficiently beneficial for selected rounds that I use them quite regularly.