Nikon Policy


Apr 11, 2007
Do any of you know what Nikons no fault policy is on their binoculars? Does that cover anything? I also thought that nikons warranty was a lifetime warranty. It says that it is 25 years (Which is a long time). But i thought that it was lifetime.
I have a pair and also a rifle scope. Knock on wood, I have not needed their warranty department. I believe I read something about a limited lifetime warranty which is not the same as the awesome Leupold warranty.

Of course I got my $120 Nikon binos at Sam's Club on Clearance for $24 :lol:
I do believe it is called a "no fault" warranty. No matter what happens in the 25years, they will repair or replace for something like $15.

It is 25 years, and it is “ No Fault” BUT it is a $ 25.00 charge plus shipping back to you. So a repair will cost about $50.00 when it is all said and done. I used to be a huge Nikon fan. I had 10 scopes and 3 pair of their bins. The last time I sent in a pair of bins it took them 6 weeks to get them back. The last scope I sent in took 8 weeks to get back. When I called them they told me there was a backorder and I would get it when I get it. I asked them if the had a similar scope they could send me, and if it was better I would pay the difference, and the answer was no.

I since sold every Nikon optic I have and replaced them with the comparable quality Zeiss, Burris, Leopold and Bushnell. Earlier this year I had a mount on my 4 wheeler break while driving down a road and the gun went flying and busted the scope good….No question it was my fault. I sent the scope into Burris and told them to let me know what estimate was and I would pay them for the repair. They called me alright, but to tell me the scope was not repairable, and it would be 2 weeks before they could send me another, but offered to send me a scope very close to the one I had if that was ok. The never charged me dime and from the time I sent it in to the time I had it back was less than 10 days. All I was out was the shipping to them. I had a very similar experience with Bushnell Bins.

They make a good product, but owning over 50 scoped rifles, I have learned one thing, in optics you get what you pay for. Don’t get me wrong, I a not a optics snob. Most of my hunting rifle have 3X9 of 4X12’s and are in 300 to 500.00 range. I do have a couple of Swaroski’s and Nightforce’s on some custom and specialized guns, but for the most part aside from personal preference most all my 400.00 scopes are all about the same, but none of them are as good as my 800.00 scopes, but they still work fine. My go to scope is the Zeiss Conquest 3X9@ $399.00 but my Bushnell 4200 in the same price range has as just as good glass.

I guess the point I am making is for me service matters, and the Nikon products are not that much better than other scopes or bins in the same price range. Most people my will never have to send in optics for service, I just happen to shoot more in a month than a average hunter will shoot in a lifetime. I want to know I can get service on the things I buy, it was not as much about the 50.00 every time I sent in a Nikon, but the time it took to get back and the fact they don’t care. As long as I get great service from the other folks, I see no need to go back to Nikon.
Back about 89 or 90, living in SPokane, I traveled a lot and went to a small sportinggoods store in Lewiston, Idaho....(Jack O'connor town) and was discussing maybe thinking about a NIKON SCOPE...... the owner said he had sold a 3 X 9 Nikon to a customer and he mounted it on a 7RMag and they went to sight it in and the reticle or sometrhing shot loose. It just wasn't there........? Sent it to Nikon for service and they sent back a letter sayng it would be $125,00 plus return freight for repair.. Owner said he boxed up and returned all Nikon scopeas back to the distributor and said he would never by another Nikon anything!! SO....neither have I.. Will not and won't ever!

thanks for allowing me to express mpo!

Wanted to add that I have 14 Leupolds and one Zeiss Diaviri-C. Leupold SCOPES & repairs are the BEST! Again mpo..