Parallax-Help me understand this..


Mar 10, 2010
I have found a couple Meopta MeoPro 3-9x40 brand new, I have a the big brother version, a 3.5x10x44 and the optics and tracking are amazing. I have a little compact 7-08 or a muzzleloader this new 3-9x40 could go on. Anyway the issue im wondering about is the Parallax for the 3-9x40. Its a 50 yard parallax scope. From what I read they may be better purposed for a 22, a muzzy or shotgun or something. Would I even notice it on that little compact rifle? I've talked to kenton industries and they told me they could build a turret for it. Give me your thoughts or opinions. thanks
Depending on your shooting distance you will never know the difference , unless you go long. Under 300yds nothing to worry about.
Probably better for the Muzzle Loader.
What are the typical distances you hunt at with the 7-08?
Probably better for the Muzzle Loader.
What are the typical distances you hunt at with the 7-08?
the 7-08 is my daughters rifle and I think the farthest it will ever get shot is 400 yards. I try to keep the kids at reasonable distances. thanks for the reply..
I’d think, especially in big game hunting, you’ll likely never notice, unless you’re really stretching it out there. If itty-bitty groups on paper is what you’re looking for, then it may make that more difficult. But if it were me, I’d likely mount it on a 22 just for my own peace of mind.
Sounds like this could make a great muzzleloader scope.. or maybe I should try it on the 7-08.
One way to beat the short preset parallax (or any preset parallax), is to just bring your head slightly back, and you will get a small shadow around the edges. As long as the shadow ring is equal all the way around your point of impact from shot to shot, it will not change.
Best way to figure this out, is to prove it to yourself, and shoot it at 300 yards and 400 yards with your 7-08.
If you have not already practiced at 400 yards with this rifle (with a different optic on it), on steel or paper then you are not going to be able to compare it, since you have no hard references/group sizes to compare.
I would encourage you to practice with your rifles to their max distances for hunting, and beyond, as it always teaches you things, and it builds your confidence in the gun or it helps you realize your limitations with that gun.
I would know it. A scope with the parallax preset for 50 yards is a .22 scope. Not a centerfire big game scope.
I would never put it on anything but a .22 or Muzzle Loader. It will be happy there.
If you don't hold the rifle properly then each shot will be off the mark.
But with awareness, good shooting form, and practice you can make it a moot point.