Scope suggestions

SJB358":39yjlwdl said:
I think he just got some bad chow.. Can't help the nansty pants couldnt keep his food down..

If that's the case, why'd he LEAVE THE RESTROOM to upchuck???? :shock:
tddeangelo":2dmypr98 said:

So, to recap, I like the Swaro scopes, Scotty and Mike are trying to swindle me for a rifle, and Scotty has intestinal issues.....

That about sum it up?


Well...... Not really. Think I owe some rancher a sorry about the only tree on your place.
dubyam":2j5fahyy said:
...and some poor, defenseless guy in who-knows-where out west, may have permanent psychological and olfactory damage. Oh, and he can never again eat at a Burger King...

I am surprised that BK did not use the dead spider monkey in their burgers?
Oldtrader3":3j9qmx3p said:
dubyam":3j9qmx3p said:
...and some poor, defenseless guy in who-knows-where out west, may have permanent psychological and olfactory damage. Oh, and he can never again eat at a Burger King...

I am surprised that BK did not use the dead spider monkey in their burgers?

Hey, let's be careful about calling names around here... :shock:
I am extremely curious about the new Zeiss Duralyte scopes as well. They appear to be aimed at a price point to compete with the Z3 Swarovski and the VX-6 Leupold nearly directly. Maybe I will have to find one somewhere to do a comparison just for my own edification? I would hate to miss this one product totally if it is as good as most Zeiss products are.

I noticed last year that Leica was running some loss leader sales on their scopes as well. They were offering a deep discount for any working scope in trade to get their prices in line with the competition in the $1000 price range. Competition is getting stronger and this has to help all of us who desire better optics. Even if I can't afford it right now.
The aforementioned spider monkey made an appearance in my household, and I can tell you, he is rancid.

I bought my lab some "compressed rawhide" bones. Great things, as he can chew on 'em for a long time, and he really seems to enjoy them, but the resulting stench is simply unbearable. I've had labs around me my whole life, and I have experienced their flatulent tendencies. I have never had one descend to this level of putridity.

I can only imagine what that truck must have smelled like...
After Dr. Mike answered Toms question in post two and four, I decided I would never eat a BK again, I would never accept a ride in Brains truck, dubyam is curious about scottys chewing habits and I dont even want to know why scotty had fish in his pockets LOL

Tom, so that Michelle will not get mad at Kelly over this scope purchase tell her you are meeting me in Vegas for the weekend to look at scopes---maybe not LOL

Back to your original question. Dr, Mike is spot on. For the money the VX6 is an excellent scope. However, like him, I also prefer the swaro Z6 and Jerry like the Schmidt and Bender scopes. charlee told us she bought a new Leica, and she feels it is a toss -up between that scope and her Z6.

I am glad your getting that rifle, as you know t is one of my favorite calibers.

O.k., lets get back to the spider monkey and what Scottys chewing habits are LOL
You don't even want to go there, Aleena. It is a despicable story of dissipation and misspent youth. However, should Scotty choose to expose the story, it would be good for another round of laughs. (It is always possible that Brian could reveal the dark secrets of Scotty's heart, or Joel, or Bill, or ... just about anyone who followed preparations for his western hunt last fall.)
Reading this thread again, brings tears to my eyes. Not as badly as Brian's eyes teared up, but tears, nevertheless.
DrMike":22rjyl4v said:
Reading this thread again, brings tears to my eyes. Not as badly as Brian's eyes teared up, but tears, nevertheless.

Mine as well Mike... :lol: I'm amazed either one of them survived the trip after hearing some of the stories that came up around the campfire at my hunting shack!
Africa Huntress":1ymq51qx said:
After Dr. Mike answered Toms question in post two and four, I decided I would never eat a BK again, I would never accept a ride in Brains truck, dubyam is curious about scottys chewing habits and I dont even want to know why scotty had fish in his pockets LOL

Tom, so that Michelle will not get mad at Kelly over this scope purchase tell her you are meeting me in Vegas for the weekend to look at scopes---maybe not LOL

Back to your original question. Dr, Mike is spot on. For the money the VX6 is an excellent scope. However, like him, I also prefer the swaro Z6 and Jerry like the Schmidt and Bender scopes. charlee told us she bought a new Leica, and she feels it is a toss -up between that scope and her Z6.

I am glad your getting that rifle, as you know t is one of my favorite calibers.

O.k., lets get back to the spider monkey and what Scottys chewing habits are LOL

Wow, this had me rolling, lol.

I already disliked Burger King, but now it's cinched that I wouldn't go in one on a dare, especially since Scotty sometimes passes this way on his travels. Never know what I could unknowingly encounter.... :shock:

Aleena, I relayed your "suggestion" to me about looking at scopes. She laughed, too. Thank God I found a wife with a sense of humor (most of the time, lol).

Has anyone heard what the track-record is for Leica's in the durability department? I've heard 2nd- and 3rd-hand info that there was some question of that.

At this point, I think it's really down to the VX6 or a Z3. But that's down the road some, unless I get a screaming deal on the rifle.
I will tell the truth and let everybody know that it's not Burger Kings fault for Scotty's problem. You gotta keep that guy away from Salad Bars after spending a week on a mountain eating PB&J! And definitely don't let him go back for round two!

Moving from the sublime to the practical, (the esoteric to the essential?), Leicas have a good reputation for durability. I don't believe you will have any difficulty in that area.
Dr.Mike, some of the Leica binoculars are made in Canada now, I think? Are the scopes made there as well?
My scope is marked "Made in the USA." It is my understanding that it was built by Leupold with European glass provided by Leica. It is a 30mm tube with one piece aluminium alloy. It is a very clear piece of glass. The new Leica scopes are manufactured in Germany.
DrMike":7lkjlvkr said:
My scope is marked "Made in the USA." It is my understanding that it was built by Leupold with European glass provided by Leica. It is a 30mm tube with one piece aluminium alloy. It is a very clear piece of glass. The new Leica scopes are manufactured in Germany.

I really like the Leica scopes I have seen. They have a "CDS" like turret on them.. I can't help but think the glass is just awesome. They have alot of the features that a guy wants and Cameraland has the open box special on them, so they are VX6 priced as well..

As for the gas problem. Yeah, I had it. Something about greens after eating nothing but the PB&J for a week.. Thank the Lord my truck has leather as I think cloth would have absorbed that smell and kept reminding me of that trip everytime I flopped in the seat!
Scope a pre64???

I think I just had a heart attack!!

Seriously Tom you know how much I like my Lyman Peeps, but I am just jokin.

I would think a cool 4x scope would do the job for classic looks, but then again I am old fashioned when it comes to those classic rifles.