A Little Speed Bump in Life


Mar 23, 2017
Yesterday was my first day back to work after a 3 1/2 week vacation. Woke up in the morning and right calf was sore , didn’t think much of it. As the day wore on walking became an issue. When I got home I looked at it , red as a beet and painful to the touch. Went it to the walk-in , they sent me to the ER. Hours later I was sent home with an antibiotic for Cellulitis. Today it’s less painful.
The old hoof is feeling better , just not looking better. Bottom 1/3 of the calf is still red the upper 2/3 is normal color , still has some swelling.
The old hoof is feeling better , just not looking better. Bottom 1/3 of the calf is still red the upper 2/3 is normal color , still has some swelling.
Wishing you a speedy and full recovery

Glad you’re getting better.
As I was reading your post I started thinking, DVT, or what is commonly referred to as a blood clot. Glad it’s not. Cellulitis is no fun but it beats a DVT.

Yikes! Hope you’re back on your feet soon, buddy! Been there, I shot an industrial pressure washer through a rubber boot and it penciled all the way through my foot. ER bandaged it up and sent me on my way. A few days later the pain was awful. Long story short, ended up a spending a week in the hospital with IV antibiotics and a debridement to take a dime size hunk of bad meat off my foot-pinky toe junction. Then whirlpool foot soaks 3x week for 2 weeks at the physical therapist. So I don’t screw around with even minor wounds since then.
Thanks for all the well wishes. As of today there is still some lingering effects yet. The 10 day antibiotic ran out yesterday. Going to keep an eye on it over the weekend and will be going to have it checked out next week if issues arise.
May you recover and get well soon. Good to have it checked early before it gets worse. I had a similar condition where I had a serious bacterial infection where I tripped over a hoist that I used to hoist deer and nilgai that I had in the garage, the steel cable next to the hook had scraped my shin and took the skin off on the shin bone, resulted in a serious infection days after. It was swollen, reddish and felt hot to the touch. Went to the emergency room on a weekend, took a 10 day antibiotic that the hospital gave me, and around day 8 it was so bad that I went to my doctor and he was like what the hell is that antibiotic, its not for your serious infection, it only treats surface infection, not deep tissue infection, so I was prescribed another antibiotic and a shot and got better with the 2nd antibiotic.