a year ago we leased the ground our 2000 yard shooting range is on . now we made the 450 yard range . the 2000 yard range faces east , the 450 yard range faces west . the firing lines are kind of back to back , with about 150 yards between them . both ranges can safely be used at the same time . after we got the lease last year , we didn't have a lot of time before hunting season . this year we have been working putting in food plots . we have 4 out now . we are going to put in another one closer to fall . the ground is disced and we spread lime a few weeks ago .I think we'll need to disc it again and spread the seed when it's time . this morning when I took the shooting stool out , me and the dog walked back to check on the food plot we seeded Memorial weekend . it's really up nice already . this is our biggest food plot . it's about 50 yards wide , and about 400 yards long . I think this was the first time we checked on the plot there wasn't any turkey on it . none of us guys have any experience doing this, it's a learn as we go kind of thing .

here is a pic June 18 .

here is a pic June 18 .

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