Mounts Won't Tighten


Apr 27, 2014
I'm having a little problem with some scope mounts. I have the Leupold 2-piece DD mounts and DD rings. I mounted the front mount and then when mounted the rear, the taller of the two, the screws won't tighten, especially the front one it just keeps turning. I looked at all the screws and they appear to be all the same length. The higher of the two mounts does go in the rear as the rear of the receiver(Winchester M70) is shorter. Any guesses?
Do they tighten with out the mounts, as in start and no wobble as tightening them? If so I would say the screws are not long enough ?
I initially took the mount back off and tried the screws and they went in a little way and tightened. I tried again but the back screw wouldn't tighten when I put the mount back on. I had the torque screwdriver set on 22 in/lbs as recommended but it never ratcheted. Now I can't get it out nor will the front one come out. I was gong to try a spare screw I had but now the mount won't come off as the screws just keep loosening but won't back out far enough to take the mount off and try other screws.
Have ya tried to put upward pressure using the mount while unscrewing them? Not a bunch but enough to see if they will loosen? Where did these screws you used come from ? Who made the bases and were these new screws?
Yes, I pulled up on the mount but it won't budge. It's tight but not tight enough to hold I can't budge it. The front and back scews just spin round and round when trying to loosen or tighten. I had hoped to get both screws out, chase that front thread with a 6-40 tap but can't get them out.

the screws I used came with the mounts and had a small dab of what appeared to be blue Loctite on them. The substitute I was going to use is a 6-40 screw that are Leupold as well but, I can't get the screws out to try. I'm in a big fix. Most discouraging as it's a new rifle picked up today and I had a new scope with the rings and mounts. It took all the joy away from having a fun project. I'm not sure what to do at this point.
He's out of town till next week. Even then, he's retired and only comes in the shop sporadically. This is not good...especially a new rifle. I've never had any problem like this before and I've mounted my fair share of scopes. I knew something was wrong when the back mount screws wouldn't ratchet with the screwdriver set at 22 in/lbs.
I'm sure they're steel. They were included with the Leupold mount. What's taken me by surprise is why they won't tighten or back out yet the mount can't be moved. It's like it's been tightened but the screws will turn.
I'm not familiar with those mounts...I was just wondering which was most likely to strip...the screw or the rifle receiver.
I get anxious just hearing stripped ! I messed up a 10/22 with pot metal and it cost me more than the gun was worth to fix them almost! Unbelievable what them things actions are made of?
Here's a few hastily snapped pics of it...makes me sick. I don't know what happened. I didn't strip it.

Check and see if the screws are sticking out inside the the bolt raceway...might be stripped through the action, with threads on the end not engaging to unscrew.

If they are...they can be removed without damaging the rifle, the mounts are a lost cause.
No, you can feel that they're not. There's a small, maybe 1/16" section just below the screw head and before it gets into the thread that doesn't have any threads, like a raised area sort of.
That happened to me once also, I just simply put the rifle in a padded gun vise and drilled the screw head off to get the screw out without any damage to the rifle.
