Who wants to spend some of my money? :)

I'll have a Vari-X II that's not doing anything once the VX6 arrives. You are more than welcome to borrow it.

I didn't spend your money on the Vari-X II, so it is of less interest. How about the VX6? :grin:
DrMike":2w60o85y said:
I'll have a Vari-X II that's not doing anything once the VX6 arrives. You are more than welcome to borrow it.

I didn't spend your money on the Vari-X II, so it is of less interest. How about the VX6? :grin:

You have your own on the way. I'll just get mine sooner. :)
Yeah, but since you're getting yours sooner, I thought sure you'd be generous toward your poor northern cousin and let him use yours until his own arrived. :mrgreen:
DrMike":3irhfxua said:
Yeah, but since you're getting yours sooner, I thought sure you'd be generous toward your poor northern cousin and let him use yours until his own arrived. :mrgreen:

I think my wife may already beat me senseless with it. I will leave instructions that if she bludgeons me to a bloody pulp, to send it back for repair and then on to you.
Consequently, it is not at all certain that we will see the illuminated reticle here in Canada right away. However, it does look as if an August delivery is anticipated.
DrMike":386uwb26 said:
Consequently, it is not at all certain that we will see the illuminated reticle here in Canada right away. However, it does look as if an August delivery is anticipated.

Leupold told me to expect them in the stores during the 1st week of August. What that means for online sales, I have no idea. Also no idea if that is going to be longer of a wait for you folk north of the border.
I never will begin to understand the technology transfer laws of the US? Despite having done Medical Device technology transfer for a living for 12 years, these laws are really arcane when it comes to anything having to do with military technology. Even when it has been on the market for several years, it takes forever to get it approved to export, even to Canada.
Oldtrader3":33a1jzwq said:
I never will begin to understand the technology transfer laws of the US? Despite having done Medical Device technology transfer for a living for 12 years, these laws are really arcane when it comes to anything having to do with military technology. Even when it has been on the market for several years, it takes forever to get it approved to export, even to Canada.

I've never understood the tight restrictions on scopes. It's not like they're THAT hard to obtain. How many companies IMPORT scopes to the US????
I never will begin to understand the technology transfer laws of the US? Despite having done Medical Device technology transfer for a living for 12 years, these laws are really arcane when it comes to anything having to do with military technology. Even when it has been on the market for several years, it takes forever to get it approved to export, even to Canada.

9-11 changed a lot of things. There had been tightening of restrictions under the Clinton administration, but the creation of Homeland Security changed a lot of things. I suppose I can understand such restrictions as those on powder, primers and ammunition, but brass, bullets, scopes, stocks and magazines have been a bit harder to figure out. It is not as if we can't get them, it is just a hassle without paying a middleman to broker the deal. Tom is correct that a large number of firms import assembled rifles, components and scopes into the USA.